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Hello everyone!

Well, I'm definitely feeling better now. I can tell because I was up all night hammering the edges off of this! That's why I'm posting this on Tuesday morning. It's still technically Monday for me though. Or at least, that's what I say. The day don't roll over 'til you sleep.

Let's cut the shit and get on with the change log. If you're interested in me rambling, then, there's a bit of that after it!


Alchemy Shop

- An alchemy shop - named Potent Potions and Potables - has been added to the town square in the prologue! This place has backgrounds and lots of objects and cool stuff - including a new vore scene!

- The owner of this shop is a shady snake called Murray. He's quite big - big enough to eat you before you go and get yourself shrunk, even!

- Yes - Murray has the first and possibly the only same-size vore scene in A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest. You can access this by trying to steal something from his shop. Just pick it up and try to walk out... you'll see what happens to you next.

- This very unique vore scene is over 6000 words long from swallow to digestion. You don't have to stick around for the digestion part - you can opt out of it if you like - but doing so will naturally make the scene a little bit shorter. If you decide to stick around for digestion, then, note... it is very mean.

- He also has a full dialogue tree. Feel free to ask him as many questions as you like! He'll even offer you a quest of sorts - though you can't complete it just yet. Expect this to be expanded upon a little in a future update.

- You can buy a bottle of venom from Murray. This has a couple of uses for right now. You can either:
- Mix it into your drink at The Busy Fox bar to make Wilson's booze palatable - and to go on a weird trip
- You can add the elf to it and THEN mix it into your drink at The Busy Fox Bar. This will change the scene that follows considerably. You monster!

- Related: I considered giving the player the ability to drink the venom straight - but I decided to pull out on that one on the last minute. I don't think it'd be that interesting of an ending, personally. You drink the venom and then you die. I'd rather save my output for stomachs and other insides.

- In the future, there will be a couple of other things that you can add to the venom - including a handful of Hart's fur! But, for now, this is it. I have to get the new areas added before I can go too crazy with my prologue-spanning puzzles...

Post Prologue (Micro)

- Jamie has had a brand new ending added to the tavern. A new exit has been added underneath Reiko's table - head to it to see the 'yeens new ending!
This is technically two endings. If you have the gore flag on then you'll get a paw crush ending. If you don't have the gore flag on then you'll get an oral vore ending instead. Both of these variants are just under 2000 words long.

- Reiko has had a brand new unaware anal vore scene added to the game. You can find this by climbing up to her lap, using the knife/splinter on her dress, and then choosing to go to the ass... obviously.
Like Jamie's ending, this one has two variants - a scat and a non-scat variant. This is dependent on the disposal toggle - if you have it on, you'll get scat. If you don't, then you won't. They're both a little over 2000 words long.

NOTE: The bonus ending for Clint is not part of this update. I'm really sorry, but it's just not ready to go into the game yet. Because I ended up losing a lot of time to Covid, I had to choose between polishing this off or rounding out the venom interactions - and I obviously went for the venom. With that said, though, expect his ending to be up in plaintext before the end of the month.

Small Things

- Lots of tiny tweaks were made to both the script and the games back-end. Things that looked a little off before will probably look better now. Cheers!

- Text that wasn't bold before and should've been bold is now bold

- Several death messages have been added, altered, and deleted

- A fun sidenote: the game is now just under 100MB large. Not bad for a bunch of text!

KNOWN ISSUE: Dying has a habit of screwing up the background sometimes. I know how to fix this but it'll take a little while and it's not a game-breaking bug so I'm putting it off as a back burner issue for now. It will probably get fixed in the next month or two. Don't be alarmed - moving around enough should bring the background back.

* * *

That's all for now!

So... little ramble time.

To be completely transparent, this update has been effected by me contracting Covid - not just in terms of the date delay, but also in terms of content. My plan this month was to release two updates for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World - the update for the alchemists shop and an update that adds the tavern's basement - but given the whole 'getting sick' thing I will not have the time to finish off the basement as planned this month - especially because I'm planning on finishing off a commission this week as well as getting a Patreon update out for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus

I hope that everyone understands. The basement content - as well as the other smaller things that fell to the wayside this month - will ultimately be improved by not being rushed and me taking the time on them that I planned to in the first place.

The update is hardly skinny anyway - there's well over 15000 words of brand new content here - so I'm going to do my best to not feel bad about it. It's not like I get Covid every month. I think if I did then I might be dead.

Ramble over! That was actually shorter than I expected.

I'll be closing the bonus ending poll at the end of the day, so, please make sure you get your votes in before then!

In terms of other updates this week, I'll have a vignette up - which will be that sequel to Date Night that I talked about before. I'll also have another bonus ending poll up (vore type) soon. And, before the end of the month - a commission and a bunch of great new content for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World Plus!

Happy playing - and thank you all again for being so patient while I got myself better!


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