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Hello everyone!

It's poll time! Every month (as per my stretch goal) I poll a bonus ending to be added to either A Tiny Furry In A Huge World or A Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest. This usually gets added the month after but sometimes it can take a little longer and sometimes, if we're really lucky, it might not even take a month! Anyway, in terms of the poll at least, this month is no different.

I'll be running it for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World as per the title. It's pretty simple stuff! I picked five random characters who need a little extra attention. You can pick as many as you like, so, go ahead and pick your favorites! 

This month there will be two bonus endings to be added to the game already - one featuring Claire and Ms Matthews and the other featuring two foxes and a raccoon - so this one will be probably be added next month.

In sickness related news - I'd love to say that I feel fantastic and completely healed but I don't! It turns out that Covid isn't a picnic. With that said though I'm mostly just dealing with the residual symptoms at this point - the oppressive cough, the lethargy, general discomfort - so things aren't too bad and I'm able to work through things for the most part as long as I take it easy. Taking it easy being the keyword there - I don't want to make myself sick again. 

With that said, though, everybody should expect something fun this weekend. I have a big game update on the way and I'm really looking forward to showing it to you all. Writing the big snake boy has been a total blast! EDIT: It's actually going to be Monday because I want to do something a little extra! Will be worth the wait, promise.

I'll see you all on Monday with a big game update! Until then, happy voting!


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