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Hello everyone!

Boy, there have been way too many polls this month. I need to cut down on them or at least space them out better so it doesn't look like they're the only thing that I'm posting. It's not that I want to poll less things or stop polls in general, it's more that there's just been too many of them and I personally feel that the more there are the less exciting they are. Plus, posting like... three of them a week is really pushing the rest of my content down...

I'll figure it out! There will still be polls and they'll be exciting - heck, dare I say it, they may be more exciting than ever before. Let's talk about something more positive for now. Fruit bat won, and that's super cool! I've never wrote a bat predator ever before. It'll be exciting stuff!

Anyway! We're finally done with polling the dungeon master. Now, for our final poll of the month... we decide the bonus ending that I'm going to write for the game next month! Below are a small handful of characters from A Tiny Furry Quest. Vote for your favorite, and they'll get an ending added in June's update!

If you're wondering where Hart is she won't be included in these polls. Reiko will be readded next month since she won last month's poll. I added Mindy & Gerov (the female rat and male possum from the prologue) for shits and giggles. I'm not really sure how I'll add a bonus ending for either of these characters but I'll figure it out if one of them wins!

Poll will end on Thursday. I'm not giving as much information away as I did last month because I don't want vore type to influence the choice here. Just vote for the character that sounds most appealing!

In an hour or two I'll be sending the vignette off to the commissioner which means I'll be able to post the finished result up here after they've read it in the evening!

Happy voting, and I'll see you in a few hours with a mini story (it's about 2000 words long!)

Happy voting!



You might've posted Gerov+Mindy for shits and gigs, but the moment I read it on my Gmail notification, I zoomed here to vote.