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Tiebreaker time!

Technically the last poll went to mean lookin' dragon by one vote over the fae dragon. Personally, I am fine with this - I love a mean lookin' dragon - but with it being so close, I decided to run a second poll. When it comes down to species selection, I generally like the winning vote to be more a majority than an edge case. Obviously, if mean lookin' dragon wins by a vote or two again, then this time we'll roll with it.

If you're unfamiliar with the concept of this character, they're a brand new male dragon that is going to have an oral vore ending coming to the game this month! It's sort of like a teaser for a future character, I guess. There'll be a new item that you can interact with or a new area that you can wait in for a bit (haven't decided yet) and he'll come along and eat you! Whether it's aware or unaware I have yet to decide, but... it'll be one of those things!

Last time I gave a verbal description of the dragon types. This time I'm going to link some reference imagery. I didn't know if I could do this last time and I didn't want to get ultrabanned by Patreon for obvious reasons. As long as I do an off-site link though and credit the artist I think it'll be all gravy. So...

Mean Lookin' Dragon!

Here's some pictures:

Red dragon by Azany on DeviantArt
Fang Dragon by Kagehiisa on DeviantArt
Black dragon v2 by sandara on DeviantArt

Note the meaner faces, the sharper bodies, the bulkier musculature. Expect him to have these qualities if this option wins. He'll also probably be able to do things like breathe fire and show off his mascles by being really strong. He's obviously not going to look exactly like one of these reference images, but, it should give you a general feel. These are all also feral dragons - to remind, this guy is going to be an anthro.

Fae Lookin' Dragon

Here's some pictures:

Faerie dragon by BryanSyme on DeviantArt
Fae Dragons by neondragon on DeviantArt
Fairy-tail dragon by Benegeserit on DeviantArt

Note the unusual wings/features, the smoother bodies, the leaner musculature. They look a touch more amphibious in the body and a touch more insectish in the wings. He can't breathe fire, but he can do weirder shit like transform you into things - like another species, or something to go on his desk, or, maybe... a snack! Again, he's obviously not going to look exactly like one of these reference images, but, it should give you a general feel. These are all also feral dragons - to remind, again, this guy is going to be an anthro!

That's it!

A commissioned story should be coming on Thursday or potentially Friday, depending on when the commissioner reads it! It's 10,000 words long and it's a fun one! Lots of smashy! Lots of destruction!

Today, I feel like teasing rather than just straight up running away, so...

Something that I've been doing recently is redesigning the intro for A Tiny Furry In A Huge World. My intention is to make it a touch more readable, a little more interesting, and a little shorter than it already is. I also want to move the game's starting point from the lonely lecture hall to the more populated West Wing Corridor.  For those of you that really like the intro (for some reason) I have kept the old start as an option (we're now calling it the classic start) as a Patreon-exclusive thing. I have done this for many reasons, but, for the most part, it's to improve the new user experience, I guess. The new intro is a little more interesting, has some background imagery to help with setting the scene, and it puts you closer to the game's more interesting characters like Emily and Oscar.

A thing that I often do when redesigning things is add more words. I didn't want to do that here because I want the intro to remain brief - if anything, I'd like it to be a little briefer so that people don't have to read a thousand words before they can do anything. So I actually ended up cutting a few words from the total, I think - pictures help a little with setting a scene and such.

Anyway. Here's a screenshot of the first slide of the game's new opening:

Alright now I'm running away.

Enjoy the poll!

QUICK EDIT: To clarify on the polls ending date, I will end this poll around the weekend when people have had enough time to vote. I'm not sure of the exact day - I'd like as many people to vote as possible so I'll probably give it until Sunday evening.


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