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Hey what's up!

If you've been following my Patreon for a while then you're probably aware of Norm Horseman by now. They commission me to write stories fairly often. In short, he's a horse who gets big when he eats a lot of stuff. He also gets big when he fucks. When he does both at the same time, he gets really big.

So these stories tend to have a lot of that in it! These are always interesting to write because they're a change of pace from my usual stuff. From my end there's usually shrinking involved rather than growing or in the case of my feral beasty stories there's usually just a big enough size difference or whatever. So growth is cool. I think it's one of those love it or hate it kind of things, though? So these probably aren't to everyone's taste. But then again, that's kinda just the nature of vore sometimes, right?

Anyway! Enough rambling. This one is 12000 words long. Here's a blurb and a fetish list and all that.

Norm's rich and famous parents have been attempting to make their son even bigger than them - not just in money and in influence, but, in height too. Thanks to a revolutionary new growth serum and a strict schedule, they've been able to do just that. But with Norm now college-aged, ten feet tall, and wanting to live his own life, they might end up struggling to keep their hold tight upon him.

FEATURES: Growth (male and female), Dubcon, M/F, Mawplay, Impregnation, Lactation, Heavily Implied Orgy


I'll have another commission Wednesdayish. This one has a big Behemoth and vore and unbirth in it.

Happy reading!


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