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Hiya everyone!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I've been in a bit of a slump this week for various reasons. I don't really want to go into 'em because I know that this is a safe place for a lot of people (including myself) but, if you've been paying attention to the news at all over the past week or two, you know that things have been, to put it lightly, very stressful in the world as of late. Combined with some personal things that I've been working through, it's been hard to find the emotional capacity to work super hard. Writing and art in general is kind of a psychological thing, so, if your ego is feeling shattered and you're clouded with endless worry, then creating stuff is hard.

However, over the past couple of days I've managed to get back on the wagon and start working again - happily. Very happily, actually. This means that the new game that I've been talking about (let's call it Macroville) will be out this weekend. Not sure which day! Probably Sunday. There's also that Aimee ending that I polled and that will also be up by the end of the month all going well. In terms of commissions/stories I'll be firing on all cylinders with those at the beginning of March so expect those to start flowing again around then.

March should be a lot more productive, so, thank you for hanging in here with me. I'll have something really cool (it's a new game called Macroville) for everyone this weekend for sure sure this time. I'll see you then!

EDIT: Game is done after a long night but I'm going to put it up this afternoon/evening (Monday) because I want to make sure it's bug free and add one last quality of life feature. Also, need a little nap!


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