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It's not really Preview 1 of this thing - it's actually Preview 12 - but we've finally given the game a proper title and it's also 2022 and also I can't count above 12 anyway, so...

In case you missed it over Christmas, we're stripping A Tinier Furry In A Huger World of it's working title and we're giving it the very real title of...

Now I know what you're thinking. Or, well, I like to think that I know what you're thinking. And what I think that you're thinking is something along the lines of - isn't it a little early in the month for this? Also, weren't you working on A Tiny Furry? Kyobi what the fuck?

And yes, yes, I hear you. It is very early in the month for this. But we're doing this for a couple of reasons.

1) I had a crazy creative outburst a couple of nights ago and I haven't been able to stop working on this since it started. It's like an itch! You gotta scratch it, you know?

2) This is the most important reason - I am now realizing that February is a very short month, and that there is still lots of work left to be done on finishing off v1.3 of Tiny Furry. So much work that it might take until March, given that there's only 28 days in February. By releasing this now I'm getting my monthly update obligation out of the way for Patreon and basically buying myself a few days more time to work on that. I don't really want to rush it and end up half-assing something. So, this way, if I end up releasing v1.3 on like, March 3rd or something, I won't feel bad about it.

3) I learned how to fix some bugs and I became aware of a bunch of bugs between the last release and now, so, went ahead and fixed them.

So anyway. I didn't actually add any new content for this patch. But I did add a couple of things that will make the game's porn infinitely more accessible. This is something that I've wanted to do for a while now but I haven't really had the time nor the patience to dig through spaghetti I made 6 months ago for 12 hours and rewire everything until now.

What the fuck does that mean? Eh, changelog!


Title Screen

- Title screen has been enhanced for max shininess. There's a new graphic on it that may or may not be a placeholder but looks cool enough for now.

- Logo updated for obvious reasons.

Patreon Options

- This entire menu now actually looks nice.

- The ending selector is back and it's slick as fuck!





Sorry! If I'm making a big deal out of this then it's because it took an inordinate amount of work to do. I wanted to try doing this in Tiny Furry On A Huge Quest before I leapt into the possibility of doing it with Tiny Furry In A Huge World because this game has less endings. What this taught me is that doing it for Tiny Furry In A Huge World is something that will take several weeks, probably. So don't expect that any time soon.

This includes all endings (even the super bad Hart ending) except for Wilson's peaceful ending. Too many variables on that one, basically.

- Intro Skipper 1 & 2 

These are the same as they were before. Skips you to either just after the prologue or the tavern floor, depending on which you one pick.

- Kink Selector

This is so that you can pick your kinks before you go into the ending selector. So if you want to see the graphic digestion variants, or add disposal, or whatever, you can make sure you do that.


- The credits now works properly from the menu. Both it and the version at the end of the game have been updated with all of the lovely new people who have joined me on Patreon since I launched it - yes, even you guys who joined me over the past couple of days! If I've forgotten you somehow, please let me know!


- I'm gonna make a big deal out of this one even though the vast majority of the userbase probably didn't notice it because it either didn't effect them or it wasn't pretty unnoticeable. But given this has been an issue that's been plaguing me for months, I am going to announce it in bold text and in all caps. THE BACKGROUNDS NOT FITTING ON YOUR SCREEN PROPERLY (POTENTIALLY) HAS NOW BEEN COMPLETELY FIXED AND NOW IT SHOULD LOOK SUPER GREAT AND COOL NO MATTER HOW BIG (OR SMALL) YOUR MONITOR IS. Better yet it was a super cool magic bullet sorta situation where everything just kinda fell into place and...


- The objects inside of Wilson's balls now display properly.

- If you back out of poking Tia in the ass with the pin then the menu won't disappear anymore.

- A few spacing issues have been fixed across the game.

- Future areas for the game have been completely prepared.

- Other things that I forget, I've been working on this for like twenty plus hours over the past two days


So, yeah, not a huge update for content, but that absolutely wasn't the focus. What I wanted to do was get into this game for a couple of days and clean it up and get a nice new version out for everyone that'll make everything a touch more accessible. Just in case I need a couple of extra days to get Rachel ready. I would really not rather not rush stuff/halfass it just to meet a deadline at the end of a short month. I hope everyone understands!

Obviously this isn't going to be the only thing this month even if I don't get v1.3 out of the door by February 28th. There are commissions nearing completion, polls to be had, and probably a plain text ending or two - like that one for Hannelore and whatever is going to get polled this month. So... tons of stuff basically!

Happy playing and happy early update and happy happy happy! Enjoy!

EDIT: If you downloaded this LITERALLY one second after I uploaded it then make sure you redownload because I accidentally uploaded an old version.



So, where there's an anal vore option for the endings with Clint, is that broken or is there not one? I don't remember there being one and the link doesn't work...


Sorry - ended up mislabeling the scene, was meant to read Clint & Tia Bedroom stuff. Uploaded a fix. Apologies for any disappointment. He has an anal vore ending planned out and to be wrote at some point however!