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Oh man, it's Charlotte time!

Hmm hee ho ha, what to do for Charlotte? It was an odd one because she's one of those characters that has a lot of scenes already. So I had to put my thinking cap on for this one. I hope what I've come up with is decently compelling!

Oral Vore (Vending Machine, Unaware)

"I really like vending machine endings." - Kyobi, 2022

There's been one of these in the past two polls so it should be no surprise that it is an option again here. I was almost not going to include it because it adds the possibility of the vending machine taking home three endings this month but I looked at the results of the polls and that seems unlikely.

Ah, rats ... or mice ... I gave cheese to Jackie. Well ... mice like cookies too, right? I think they do. One time I had a couple of wild mice who invaded my apartment. I like to keep my cookies in my wardrobe (don't ask it's complicated) and I remember that I had to throw my stash out because the little bastards broke into my chocolate chips and chewed them up. 

So, yea. Cookies! Chocolate chip. It's a little warm in the packet so you end up getting stuck in some tasty chocolate. Unluckily for you, though, you don't go to a very tasty place!

Slumber Party Ending (Charlotte/Janice Crossover)

I thought this might be a fun idea for an ending, though it's more of a concept than like ... a specific vore type or a specific scenario or whatever. I'm actually not sure what vore - if any - would feature in this ending. It's a slumber party, so there are lots of possibilites! Maybe you get sat on by one of the two girls in attendance. Maybe you get ate by the family dog. Maybe it's open-ended and you survive. Maybe they get drunk and decide to, uh, do things to you. I haven't really decided yet because I plan on writing this one in a weird stream of thought sorta way where I just take the scenario and run with it and we'll see what happens in a couple thousand words or so.

So this is like a mystery grab box kinda ending, I guess. Who knows what you're going to get? Aside from a slumber party and some big drunk girls ...

So for this one, I would add a backpack that the player could crawl into at Charlotte's feet. This would lead to her taking you home unawares! It would also lead to Charlotte deciding that she wants to have a boozy alcoholic slumber party with her friend Janice. Which means that you're a mystery guest ... on a mystery quest ... who will receive a mystery ending.

Really Bad End (two options, aware, read below)

Charlotte's 'take ya home and look after you' ending doesn't really have a super bad ending. If you fail all of her dialogue choices, then you'll basically be left and forgotten in her sock drawer forever, but ...

... what if there was a worse ending? An ending where you'd been such a nuisance and an annoyance that the mouse decides to just end your existence on the spot?

I can see her doing this in one of two ways! She'll either put you in her panties or turn you into an insole. Both of these would be aware ... obviously ... and more than just a little mean. Vote for these if you want to see a crueller mouse doing cruel things to you!

That's it!

This is the last poll for a week or so (unless there's a tiebreaker) so I hope you've enjoyed this round of bonus endings. This week there should also be a commission and I should (should) have at least one of these endings ready to read by the end of the weekend.

And don't forget to vote for Jackie and Oscar if you haven't already!

Happy voting!



What if getting caught between them scissoring?