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Oscar is a weird character to poll for. The immediate thought is to give him some aware endings because all of his vore stuff is decidedly unaware, but he's one of those characters where an aware scene would just feel ... off? He's a nice semiaquatic animal, so ... no matter how much you piss him off, he's not going to deliberately eat you or send you to Buttsville or anything.

With that in mind, then, I had to do wholesomely unaware scenes. This is fine because Jackie got a bunch of aware options yesterday. This means that Charlotte (polled tomorrow) will probably (probably) get a mix of both unaware and aware stuff just for the sake of poll variety.

I decided to do four options for Oscar! He's the only male character getting new content this month so I wanted to make sure that everyone felt like they had something fun to vote for.

Anyway ... let's get this show on the road.

Anal Vore (Unaware)

So you sleep in the same bed as Oscar (at least, if you play your cards right) on the first night staying at his place. You end up sleeping on his chest, but ...

... what happens if the stupid player character decides to do a bit of body exploration instead of going to sleep right away? What if, during said body exploration, Oscar rolls over and you end up getting shunted onto his ass - no, into his ass crack? He'd probably scratch his butt in his sleep and push you in there ... or something.

Oral Vore (Vending Machine, Unaware)

I really like vending machine endings. They're a niche within vore but they're a fun one. I said this yesterday that I'd eventually like every character to have one of these just so that we can have a stocked and full vending machine. So why not offer one for Oscar, too?

Every vending machine ending offers straight up food so given that he's a water-based creature I thought it'd be fun to give Oscar a drink instead. So rather than a pack of snacks this time it's gonna be a juice box. Ever been sucked up a straw before, swirled into mouth, dropped down throat, and ultimately deposited through someone's cardiac sphincter and into their hungry stomach? No? Well, vote for this and you can!

Sheathplay (Unaware)

Much like the anal vore ending, this one would take place on the first night that you sleep with Oscar as a brand new optional ending. 

Again - body exploration - but rather than accidentally ending up in his crack, you take a trip down to his sheath. Being that you're a dumbass, you decide to crawl on inside of it and sleep in there. Obviously this is a pretty stupid thing to do as Oscar is an otter in his prime and he frequently wakes up with morning wood. And what happens to the you stuck to his cock when he decides to do that?

Bad things. Terrible things! Terrible and bad and hot things.

Steppies (Unaware)


Oscar already has a steppies ending (I think) but it's a little brief (I think) and we love paws here (or at least, I do) so why not give him a second one?

I'm not a hundred percent sure where this one will go but it'll be a nice detailed getting stepped on by a giant and they don't know your there because you're an insect sorta ending. Big toes, big paw pad, big trouble. 

Actually, wait, I am a hundred percent sure where this one will go ... when you're up on his bedside table, I'll give you the option to hop off to the floor! And then an otter walks in and steps on you because he didn't expect you to be down there! That works!


That's it!

Happy voting, and please remember to vote on yesterday's poll if you haven't already!



Steppies uwu