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Hi everyone! 2020 is gone! Hooray! In many ways, it was a successful year for me, and, in many ways, a horrible year in a lot of other aspects.

To sum it up, I suppose, the things that were in my control were ... well, well controlled. I managed to slip into full-time writing, which is ... well, something that I am perpetually grateful for and in disbelief about. Within that, I also managed to keep up a really consistent work ethic, and, not only that, but improve myself as I've gone along.

I think my work has gotten a lot better between December 2019 and December 2020, if only because I'm getting a stronger grasp of my style and how I'm comfortable writing things. Beyond that, I also made a game ... like a whole, well ... I'm not sure how many words are in it now. 250k? A 250k word text adventure/erotica thing. Hours upon hours of macro/micro porn. And I plan to make another this year!

Outside of my control, well ... a lot of things happened which I'm sure everyone is aware about. I could write paragraphs upon paragraphs about Covid alone and the effect that's had on everyone - something which will run into 2021, obviously - but ... I won't. It's not my place and it's not really the right platform ... we're to focus on fun erotica, after all. Obviously the turn of the year won't fix all of our problems ... it never does. But a fresh year is something that I personally am trying to be optimistic about.

Into 2021, I'm going to be doing the same thing that I've always done, just ... better! With each and every update I am going to genuinely strive to bring better and better content to the table. I've always thought that a sequel - whether it be a genuine sequel or a sequel project like in this case - should try and be better than the original. Not in the sense that it should have more explosions and bombast, just in the sense that it should feel more refined, focused, and confident. That's what I want A Tinier Furry In A Huger World to be about, really. I swear that's a working title - I am going to come up with a better one.

What I am calling the final update of A Tiny Furry (v1.0) will be coming out January 4th on here ... potentially a little earlier! However, despite the fact that I keep calling it the final update, it will not be the final update. There is commissioned content that I am still writing for the game, and there are undoubtedly things that I'll want to add to it myself eventually. Updates will come for it sporadically throughout the year! The main focus folowing the release of that will be the sequel, though!

After the release on the 4th, I'll be doing a big wrap up post for the game on the 5th that will hopefully answer any questions that you have about this game and how things will go from there!

More will be said then. For now ... whether you've recently subscribed to me (hi everyone) or if you've been here for like ... nearly a whole year now (what the fuck thank you so much) or if you've been here for like, you know, somewhere inbetween that (i can't believe that you're doing this for me holy shit thank you) then thank you. This year will be great year for content from me! I hope you enjoy the ride!



Anytime my Queen <33! ts an honor to he with you since the beginning! Looking forward for another great year with you!