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Hello! Look! My banner is finally in a decent resolution! No more low res Kyobi staring at you. And, speaking of Kyobi ... here is a commission featuring her!

Here's that 30,000 word commission that I've been banging on about forever! Yes, it's done! Going to drop the tags from the off since I don't want anyone to accidentally read something that could be horrible for them.

A restaurant owner declines the wrong customer.

Contains a demihuman (a kitsunemimi/foxgirl) an anthro fox, a buncha other species, shrinking, HARD VORE, GORE, GRAPHIC AND PAINFUL DIGESTION, KNIVES, LIVE COOKING and a bunch of other stuff that may or may not be triggering.

Thank you to aeznon for funding this (and for feeding Kyo)

This is the kind of story that you will either enjoy or hate. If you think you might hate it, then you're honestly better off not reading it. With that said though, it's one of, if not my favorite write that I have ever put together. If you enjoy horror, then you will probably enjoy this. If you enjoy gorey graphic vore and digestion, then you will definitely enjoy this. If you enjoy cruel preds, there is a lot to be enjoyed here too. 30,000 words is about 90 paperback pages, give or take ... so it's a vore novella!

If you don't enjoy any of these things at all, though, then this isn't the story that'll change your mind. Never fear, though! The final version of A Tiny Furry In A Huge World is coming in just a couple of days (exact date pending, but within the next few days soon) and there will be stuff for everyone to enjoy in that. Shortly after that I'll be posting another big story dump, so ... look forward to that!

For now, though, this! Happy reading if you can happily read this, and ... I'll see you all soon with things!



(Spoilers for the story in this comment I guess) Yyep, that was horrific! In a really good way though. My heart kinda sank when I read the first bit about the fantasy racist guy, thought it was gonna be about him cooking people and yada yada. Pleasantly surprised by how he never got a win in this one and ended up just being a miserable git everyone hated. That was a lot better than the alternative haha. Top-tier writing aside from the fetishy stuff too, your dialogue writing is very high-quality and feels human and fun. Loved the little characterizations on Kyobi.