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The Music Industry has sued The Internet Archive over its "Great 78 Project", alleging the archival of pre-1972 78 RPM vinyl records has gone beyond the authorized archival of orphaned works under 17 USC 1401.


Most of the Music Industry just sued the Internet Archive (UMG Recordings v. Internet Archive)

The Music Industry has sued The Internet Archive over its "Great 78 Project", alleging the archival of pre-1972 78 RPM vinyl records has gone beyond the authorized archival of orphaned works under 17 USC 1401. #internetarchive #music #lawsuit Join the Lawful Masses community on Discord! https://discord.gg/lawfulmasses Thanks for all of your support! Please consider supporting on Patreon.com/ljfrench, through YouTube membership, or Floatplane subscription. June supporters: "Counselor" Level: Eevi, Ugly Grill, torpedan, PureMagma, Eric Tams, TechTechPotato, Gutbrodj, King Aires, The Blood Soaked Survivors, Kyle Siefring, Please do not credit this account, akamrboone "Advocate" Level: Arron Washington, Keith Marrocco, Dustin Rodriguez, Josuac Vicioso, Brian Flowers, amelius, Meaningless, Aethero Toland, tdis8629, admalledd, John Swanson, matthew beller, Schi-Schi, EvoGamer, Kreachers, Dawn Massaro Guy, khagerou, ChessWithADHD, publiusII, wrozmo, robfrawley, Medeka, Guy Chapman, David Zaslavsky, Christian Ullrich, Firstname Mclastname, JH, Cindy Campbell, Tron Bayrdgayrd, Mark Randall, Sarah Gerweck, Matthew East, Ian McDonald, Marcus Agehall, Jonathan Robillard, Amanda Gillies, Justin Waddell, Nathaniel, Tony Cruickshank, Kasaryth, Oisin Creaner, Stefan Persson, CombatZAK, Alexander Sihn, Andrew Reid, Gregory Ford, Brody Eastwood, sehro, Dzyan, Chris Lindsay, Rico Robbins, Kai Raphahn, Andrew FastLizard4 Adams, Kean, Jessica Pearson, LbxAni, Daniel Ducharme, Ph.D., Zoe, Brian, Matthew Bertrand, Jack Draak, Scott F. Comstock, James Melanson, Kat Willhite, Alan Nise, The Disturbed Angel, Eric Woodley, Raindrop Works, eyebrows360, Chris Connett, Michael Ciesielski, Chris Hilliard, Travus, Greg, Q Squared, Logan Stromberg, Eric Barker, Jason Glaesemann, Gef the Mongoose, keeping up with the Devilment on weekends, toadbear, cwestpha, itheoryon, Lawrence Groupe, DrakeDT, DrJKL, Michael, Andrew Venier, Bill Tonnies, Rabid Ronin, Thomas Dinsdale-Young, Katmandu573, Zendane, varia, Bill Somerville, Mike Dunford, Peter Huston, rcmaehl, James Oxford, Evan Davis, Michael Stokes-Byrne, c, Jorge Vittes, Nate Gray, AnnoyedRook, Tony Webster, Ross, Dustin Bosveld, Tymorus, Bryan Lubeck, Alisdair Meredith, Deleted, Ivan Chepurnyi, Thedougler303, ChaoQueen, Rob Voisey, Kris Hetzel, Rovert09, Negligibly Negative, Maarten Wisman, Christina B, Robert Z, sean murphy, OsculatingPlane, jak_ub, WarrantyVoid, Landon Noll, Ryan Schott, RipeSloth, RunsWhenChased, ricin, CostlyFiddle, Fubar, Jennifer and David Brock, RenyPetty, Blueberry Hill, Andrew, Learethak, Emily, TheAmazingDave, Laura Hertzman, Rita Loy, jsteelkw, Zoonist, MeDeOgre, XPEric, balayanr, zensalad, Wolfendragoon, Nova_, Kantorock, Ava-, Bee Geiger, Laura Hertzman, Michael Kunze, Deleted, God 420, Guy Chapman, the Solutions Archaeologist, jSON, Jabberwoky69, Deleted


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