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​It’s about time we talked about the birds and the bees, the hanky panky, the horizontal tango, the special wrestle. Yes, we talking about butt slapping, jaw stressing, ball milking, stomach filling, hole stretching sex. Specifically the amazing new overhaul of our Doll system.

We have gone through a lot of iterations on the Doll system, but it can be boiled down to a system that the game can automatically push NPC’s into realistic-looking sex animations, have them bang however they want, and fulfill their needs, all while being able to animate and move limbs, etc however they like. Then throw in the player being in this, allowing them to move NPCs how they like and ultimately craft and be a part of something really engaging.

Yeah, it is a lot to ask from a system.

It is also the reason we have been releasing something, then remaking it, releasing another, remaking it, etc, etc. The biggest issue comes down to expectations players have with what they need to do, along with making it look amazing.

So here we are. On the 4th iteration of the Doll system, I believe we have a winner!

Here is the first version of iteration 4 that we will be adding to Sapphire Safari. The animations you see here are all chosen by the system, they are mixed together organically and it allows for up to five total participants within one sex animation.

You can view the full video here. 

Allow me to explain just what is happening here. Each character in a scene is split horizontally in two, with the top and bottom halves capable of animating independently of the other. Also, characters can control their animation selection based on whatever we tell them. In Sapphire Safari, characters have a selection of “needs” which are based on how horny they are, how close to coming, how bored, how excited, etc. This will lead them to choose a base animation.

When a second character joins an existing character already in a sex animation, they choose an open slot (the example given in the video shows only one, but expect all orifices to be made available), they then choose an animation based on their needs, they enter the animation position and begin to animate as intended. The amazing part here is when they enter an existing animation they now take over control of whatever half of the body the slot they took is a part of. In the video above it is the lower portion of the pink character. But imagine in the future it could be the mouth, the anus, or the vagina of any character in a scene. A third character could use the anus or mouth of the blue character or the mouth of the pink. The only rule here is that new characters choose the animation the slot on the base character is going to play.

Oh and before you ask, yes, these will include face animations and such as well.

Anyways, we are working hard to make this a reality, there are still a few bugs and stuff we need to work on to get it all smoothed out. However, it is also worth pointing out that this tech, is our unique system. We have also made it backward-compatible. Meaning all our previous and future Unreal Engine games will be getting this system. Yes, that means Elewder. Hope you all enjoyed this sneak peek! More to come!




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