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All ships on our 2021 adventure are all sailing on the right path, the road ahead is going to be smooth for the foreseeable future!

Pieces of my Heart
So progress is quick with the biggest update to PomH since our Stars update. We now have all the scripts completed, and all the voice actresses have received the work. Assets are being compiled together but some recordings will naturally take longer to get. The new date images also will take a bit of work to get done. So this update is looking to drop in April sometime, hopefully.

It's looking really solid though!

Sapphire Safari
IK IK IK! It means inverse kinematics, which means a model if moved from the hip will drag the hierarchy of bones along with it. In the simplest terms, we are employing IK tech into Sapphire Safari to allow users to manipulate the sex animations during play. This is all needed for the Virtual Reality component of the game but it also makes a more interesting design for animations. Take a doggy position, then allow the player to move the limbs however they please, grab a bunny by the ears and pull her head back, push their limbs around to move into a more desirable position.

All of this is testing mind you. Good testing. To get to that point we require some basic sex animations that will work with all models, which can be an issue. Considering our main character has a tree log dong, and we have some smol character designs, an issue of size compatibility arose. So now the girls stretch to accommodate our heroes dong!

Lastly, improvements to the workflow for environment painting tools now allow the team to quickly paint the massive open island we have for exploration with the environment assets we have. Quickly painting the trees, rocks, track, grass, etc will improve work speeds considerably. We can also manipulate the assets manually if the painting does not give the desired results but this process will help a lot!

A new build of Elewder is almost ready, we now have a lot of decent improvements fully working! These include the inclusion of the new models, minion clothing and accessory randomization, crosshair and aiming improvements in combat, a finisher camera control mechanic, a working minimap to help with room discovery (still a WIP), and many more!

However before we get to release that we want to get the Steam profile for the game up and running, which means remastering the existing trailer and key art with the new models, we are rebuilding all the shots from the trailer it will be the same format and pacing, just with new models and gameplay footage. Hope to have it ready by next week, and a new patch ready for early April.

Cosmic Harem
A cosmic leap for Cosmic Harem this week. The game now has fully functioning AI which will 100% devastate all opponents they face. This came about due to our need for testing some gameplay concepts of the player vs multiple AI. The game we are inspired by limits the AI by how fast they can make their moves, so building the AI to be amazing is ideal, we can slow them down to make them less effective but by no means a pushover.

In other news, we have begun to prepare our narrative elements for the game, the title of the game Cosmic Harem will likely change in the future. It's not a name I am fully happy with, so don’t be too surprised when that happens.

Ready for another week!

Stay moist homies!




PoMH got me to have more fun than I ever did doing a puzzle, which never happened