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Did I say you could leave January? Sit down until you’re dismissed!

This week was a long one for sure, lots of wheeling, lots of dealing, and my personal time spent listening and remixing blowjob sounds. How fun!

Pieces of my Heart
Julieta is coming along nicely, we had an issue with an old rig of hers missing animations but we solved that very quickly. Miss Moonified is voicing our new galpal and her lines were all recorded back in January of 2020, however, there was one issue we needed a rerecording for which she will get too soon. I hope. Please.

Sapphire Safari
In case you don’t follow our sexy Twitter account (you should you slacker), Sapphire Safari after a few back and forths with Steam, was approved to have a store page on Steam! Along with our friends over at Critical Bliss we will be focusing a lot of promotional efforts there to grow our wishlist base! Numbers are looking really good, but we could always use more! Head on over to our Steam profile and wishlist today! https://steamcommunity.com/app/1526900

Prototype was released today! I REPEAT the prototype was released today! You can check out all the goodness right here on Patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/elewder-release-46823034 we worked hard on getting the build together and putting together a nice little story trailer! I had a lot of help from my industry friends but it came together really nicely!

Unannounced Game #1
Progress is very steady for this title, right now we are doing what the developer coins as the upside down pyramid development schedule. The goal is to build all possible mechanics in a short time span, once that is done we begin to involve more and more developers and artists in the project. What this means, is while there is a lot of mechanics being added, there is a lot being pulled and refined. Once we have the core loop down, and it is engaging we will be moving onto the meta mechanics for the game as well. More to come soon!

Okay, January you’re free to go, run along, don’t explode anything on your way out okay?

Finally, if you have not yet joined our ranks, we will be releasing a January 2021 Lewd Pack very soon. I ran out of time this week to put it all together, but it will be out before the end of the month!




great work on lewding up january and I am having high hopes for the remaining 11 months of 2021.