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Do you think we would let January die without a hot Elewder prototype drop on Patreon? Think again, kid.

Elewder PT.0.0.1 is now ready for our backers! Come get it!

Watch our release teaser here: https://twitter.com/kinkyfridays/status/1355166765416919044

Elewder is a top-down, twin-stick shooter with rogue-like elements. Players will progress through rooms one at a time fighting minions growing in power. The goal is to find the boss of the floor and defeat them before progressing to the next area and repeating the process, with each area becoming progressively more difficult. The final boss being on level 5, is the last encounter before the player completes a run.

Two powers have ruled the underway for millennia - the tempestuous and lustful army of the Succubi ruling over mankind with a careful touch, and the powerful, yet impulsive Warlocks who oppose their every move. An explosive confrontation between the two leaders, leaves the Warlock army defeated. The warlock leader is slain, and his soul captured, to forever rot in a prison of lustful torment.

Several lifetimes later, a faithful familiar to the Warlock ruler appears and sets him free, a weakened warlock is one that is easily defeated, but this chance will not be lost. Rise to power once more, and enact your revenge.

Become a backer today at the $5 tier to get access to the build: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46822995 

I need to however make everyone aware, this is a prototype. A prototype is designed to be a test of mechanics, a test of presentation, and designed to push our asset pipeline to find issues and complications. Please understand that we are overjoyed to share this with you, but expect no polish, crashes/bugs, lacking animations, and other assorted visual issues.

Here is what you CAN expect in the prototype:

Randomly generated combat scenarios
Every room you enter in the prototype of Elewder will generate a random selection of mobs - which are all randomized to a degree with their appearance - to fight, the types we have in the game currently are:

  • Melee Mobs: This mob will chase after the player and hit them with a powerful, close-range magic attack. Keep your distance from these mobs as they will overpower you quickly.
  • Ranged Mobs: This mob will shoot a variety of projectile patterns at the player while attempting to keep their distance. Be sure to dodge to not be overwhelmed.
  • AOE Mobs: This mob type will keep a distance away from the player while dropping painful barriers around the room. Be careful not to run into one yourself.

Health and sexual loot pickups
Defeating a room of mobs will leave the last demon stunned, hitting “E” on this mob when you’re close enough will pull the demon into a sexual encounter, pouring your magics into her will generate rewards. Right now this is simply health and armor but eventually, this will be a variety of items and currencies for later uses.

Simple boss fight
Attempt a run on our first elemental demon guard, Amber. She is a fiery girl with an aggressive sexual appetite. Beat her, then please her to dive deeper into the prison of lust.

Controls are still a WIP but for this release please use the following.

W, A, S, D - move the player.
Mouse Movement - move the aiming reticle.
Mouse 1 - fire simple projectile.
Shift tap - teleport in the direction player is facing.
Shift hold - move faster.
E - interact with a stunned demon.
H - bring up the controls tooltip.

Off you go Warlocks, go take your vengeance! Be sure to leave feedback here or on our community Discord!

Looking forward to your feedback! Be sure to join our growing community on Twitter and Discord!

