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  • 20231026-Thigh-Drive-Bounce-Update-Final-NoText.mp4
  • 20231026-Thigh-Drive-Bounce-Update-Final.mp4



This one was much less work, but still a lot of learning and trial and error, but the results (and the chee) look good I think! ♥

Kim showing off for a few of her guests, letting them feel what it's like to bounce on kitty curves~

Muuuuch less work than the last one, but still very much acceptable results if you ask me! I actually had a lot of fun animating the boobs there...I should do that more often. >.>;

That's all of the icon displays finished, finally! I'll post them publicly during the week...I'm going to take a break after this set here, and I'll get back into the full updates later! So many spots... XD

Kim (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lukesnowcat/

Characters (c) themselves

(Note: if anyone doesn't want to be included in this one and/or the next one, please let me know!)



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