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  • 20231017-Thigh-Drive-Walk-Update-Final-NoText.mp4
  • 20231017-Thigh-Drive-Walk-Update-Final.mp4



Whew, finally got this finished! I may have overdone it a bit (as usual). XD

Kim strutting her newest additions: The first group of folks as chee fat~ 

I learned so much from this, haha. 2D camera movement (the hip bounce!) to more keyframing tricks; a lot of this is the same motion, just reversed and inverted as needed, so it's not as many frames as it could be! I think the result is acceptable.

I've got another icon display to do, and it's not going to be as stupidly ambitious as this for sure... XD And I have got to figure out a more reliable spot rendering method for animations; drawing and adjusting them by hand is torture, lol.

Kim (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/lukesnowcat/ 

Characters (c) themselves

(Note: if anyone doesn't want to be included in this one and/or the next one, please let me know!)



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