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The recent set of headshots has been steadily improving my style, I think! Or at least I'm relearning things? Subtle things that really add life to a picture...Either way, I feel more confident about my grasp on anatomy and facial expressions and angles and such. Which is spreading to more confidence in drawing in general!

So when Skippy wanted some help designing a bunny for this year, I hopped (ha) to it! So here's Reese, who's a cute, usually hungry bunny that I got a few sketches of the other day. I wanted to do more buuut I kinda drew him waaay too big on the canvas...I could barely fit these two poses on here, much less do more. XD Also yes he's got a lot in the caboose, but that's just a bunny thing in general, honest! >.>;; I should've gotten a back view, too...

I wanna slurp on those ears, though...

Reese (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/cryptor13 




Looks delicious and cute...or cute and delicious.


Eat a wuff, Eat a wuff, Eat a wuff!


I sense that we will be seeing more of Reese in the near future~

Cat vs

Cute bun