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There's Prince Fomo, Prince(ss) Frosty...And I couldn't help but wonder what Forest's role would be, if he was in that setting! He technically shouldn't exist there (considering Fomo is Forest in his own setting, so since he exists in the Prince setting, Forest shouldn't), but I couldn't help myself! So, keeping in line with my silly mental lore surrounding wuffs , and working on a design to go along with the kitty-themed one for Purrsia (Frosty's kingdom), I came up with this! Which...Honestly was a lot of fun? XD I wanted him to wear more loose fitting clothing, and expose his belly in particular (for his gluttonous habits), here's Forest III, Wuffservant to the Purrsia royalty, and Prince Frosty in particular! Aaaand if you've read Frosty's latest story entry, you probably know what they all get up to. >.>;;; There's a reason he's saying that silly line there, lol.

Forest is Forest regardless of setting, species or character, and even being servant to a royal host of kitties doesn't phase his upbeat personality and charisma! Or his abundant energy either. X3

I was real back and forth on the colors. The overall design and feel of the outfit is good, but trying to get coherent color schemes going was frustrating, especially around the belt area. This one seemed to stick the best, and while I still feel like it could be improved (when do I not feel that way about a picture?), I think it's acceptable! I need to work in color more, lol.

Forest III (c) me

If you wanna read Frosty's "Frosty Loops"story series: https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/lukesnowcat/folder/1030912/Frosty-Loops/

Lots of Fomo in that series! X3 Just be sure to read the warning thumbnail for each one!




Question, do you like nsfw/porn stuff (besides vore)? I ask this because judging from the story you mentioned in the description of this forest picture, this version of forest is apparently canon to that story (which is nsfw/porn)


It's kinda hard not to gain some appreciation for NSFW stuff when most of my friends enjoy it to some degree, haha. And yeah, made this version of him just for that setting! My own enjoyment of it is complicated and probably not easy to explain in a comment! I'll still likely not be posting anything too mature any time soon.