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Took a lil bit, but I think I've gotten the hang of doing these!  I should hopefully be able to update more often.  Welcome back to The Tao of Forest!  Lotta text in this one. X3

This is something I always keep in mind when interacting with new people, and when chatting with friends.  I make it a point to do this, if for no other reason than the one stated in the comic: I just want to be real.  I want those I care about to know I'm real, and if it means I don't get some materialistic thing I might want, isn't that a small price to pay?

I've been blessed with fantastic friends, and rubbed shoulders with some of my favorite artists in ways that have made me giddy.  But I never once did so simply to get things from them; heck, half the time, as anyone who knows me can tell, I end up drawing for people when I befriend them. XD  I never ask for anything for it, it makes me happy to make them happy.

Where am I going with this?  Just that this sort of thing is what The Tao of Forest is all about; this is how he, and in a lot of cases, I, live my life.  Trying to do the best I can with what I've got.  Trying to be the best person I can be, to everyone I meet.

Sometimes silly stuff happens along the way!  It keeps things entertaining. X3




This honestly made my day Forest. At the end of the day its all about leaving one more smile on the faces of your friends than they started the day with yea?


Wish all artists were like that. I try to not talk with artists these days though. ^^;