The Tao of Forest #2 - As a Friend (Patreon)
Took a lil bit, but I think I've gotten the hang of doing these! I should hopefully be able to update more often. Welcome back to The Tao of Forest! Lotta text in this one. X3
This is something I always keep in mind when interacting with new people, and when chatting with friends. I make it a point to do this, if for no other reason than the one stated in the comic: I just want to be real. I want those I care about to know I'm real, and if it means I don't get some materialistic thing I might want, isn't that a small price to pay?
I've been blessed with fantastic friends, and rubbed shoulders with some of my favorite artists in ways that have made me giddy. But I never once did so simply to get things from them; heck, half the time, as anyone who knows me can tell, I end up drawing for people when I befriend them. XD I never ask for anything for it, it makes me happy to make them happy.
Where am I going with this? Just that this sort of thing is what The Tao of Forest is all about; this is how he, and in a lot of cases, I, live my life. Trying to do the best I can with what I've got. Trying to be the best person I can be, to everyone I meet.
Sometimes silly stuff happens along the way! It keeps things entertaining. X3