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Fiiiinally got around to explaining why Fomo gets tiny when he gets hungry!  And it's just as goofy of an explanation that anyone was expecting I bet. XD  I'm tempted to not even elaborate on this at any point, just keep it as a "Oh, yeah, this happened.  Oops!" sorta thing, lol.

In any case, have a great week everyone!  More goofy comics and drawings later, I need more hours in the day, geez.  Barely got as much done this wekeend as I wanted to, So let's see how the rest of the week goes!

Thanks again for your support!  :3




Alice is getting upset, it a matter of time before she'll swallow Fomo to teach him some humility.


Such a master of diplomacy! XD It's often funnier to just let the details be imagined by the viewers! 83


Kinda curious to see if Fomo gets vored soon