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UPDATE: Fixes for Linux version, and resizing windows properly

An update on what I've been sinking a lot of my time into: Pred Party! If you remember the original post, you'll know it'll be a goofy game about running a party full of preds. Everything here is still just base work, figuring out interactions, collisions, scene transitions, shaders, etc.

The character is a placeholder for Fomo, I'll finish animating him later (though his walk cycle is mostly complete here). Other characters will also have an idle, walking, and "eating" animation. Hopefully. I have some wild ideas about that that I'm hoping I can pull off, haha (including a dynamic belly??).

The Ginger Ale bottles are pickups, they also shimmer and bounce in place till you pick them up, and make a fizzy sound when you collect them. You can talk to Jay by going up and interacting with him, and there's a continuation of dialogue after you talk to him based on flags showing you completed his convo (you can still exit out early) and...Well, I've attached the game files so you can try it out yourself! Be aware that there are sound effects in places, so don't be too surprised when they pop up. XD

There's not a lot to it right now, but all the interactions and scenes were what ate up my time figuring out. Jay's character is built almost entirely from one imported file (along with all the images/sounds), which should make adding future characters a bit easier, hopefully.

I've basically been trying to factor in every little thing I've wanted to include in the full game! Tile Maps are gonna be the most intensive time sink I think, though I wanna get the AI movement for NPCs figured out first. Then maybe belly stuff? We'll have to see!

Lemme know if anything breaks! I've not gotten to try the Linux build yet but it should hopefully work?



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