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CW: Old artwork, lots of digestion, implied perma

Yep, we're back at this! Bit of a gap between them, but it's a lot of work digging through my old, unsorted, barely named files, not to mention some of the old feelings some of these pages contain (hence why I skip past a few here and there, it wasn't always a great time back then). So here we've got a few older sketches, back from 2009 by the looks of things! Geez, I'm shriveling up all over again... XD

We've got a pokemorph of some kind (Glameow I think?), some clone/yoshi vore, and Damien churning through a wuff's extra lives...Guess he was really hungry that day. X3

Damien (c) https://www.furaffinity.net/user/damienfox




lol I have an animation idea similar to that Damien one involving Fomo and Sam. On the backburner for now, but very close to that concept.


Well this certainly is very nice Eheh