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Well i still don't feel good, i'm not recovered at all.

I am back soon, hopefully and on the picture up there, that's me, but... sorry i won't share it with you, can't imagine sharing this, i did create this fake-khajii look just for fun.

See you soon and take care!




I hope you get some relief soon!


Thanks, there is sooo much stuff i did create here and then, and i want to share it with you all. It is sad i have this all on pc and did not upload it. I also made many many new animations, also scenes with triggers and buttons. And thanks to Acidbubbles timeline plugin, i finally figured out, more or less how it works! - I tested it in a scene and the character in the scene plays randomly animations, this gives me many new possibilities! i wan't share it then because making animations is much easier than looks. And ive learned soo much new.