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It's been almost a year since I last asked for your feedbacks about the state of my Patreon... I'll let you guess what's coming!

Since the last feebacks post, a couple of things changed, the main ones being the following:

  • All suggestions, polls, pages, drawings, sequences, etc are released on set days
  • Log Myu pages are being published twice/thrice a week
  • All sizes are being drawn on a regular basis (chubby, plus size, super size, ultra/free size)
  • Nude versions are created whenever possible instead of going through a poll, I typically release 2 to 3 per month
  • Less experiments and reworks in favor of new content
  • Carryover votes allowing outsider characters to win polls

Most of these changes originated from your feedbacks, and while I believe they significantly improved things, you're obviously free to disagree (in which case I'm more than willing to hear your opinion)! I'll really insist that no feedback will end up in a black hole. Even if I don't reply to every single comment, primarily for time reasons, I still read everything. Feel free to voice both the positive (what I shouldn't change) and the negative (what I should change)! I won't be able to solve all issues, but I'll try.

I regularly discuss with some of you, here or on Discord, so I'm already aware of a few issues and suggestions, that I'll purposely won't mention here to avoid influencing feedbacks in any way. I haven't forgotten!

Here's a list of questions you can use as a basis for replying if it's something you're willing to give some time to:

  • 1. If you had to name one issue or weakness of my Patreon, what would it be?
  • 2. Assuming you answered the above question, how would you fix this issue?
  • 3. In your opinion, what is currently the main strength of my Patreon?
  • 4. What would you like to see more often, less often?
  • 5. Do you have any suggestion for me to improve my Patreon?

Because you're all supporting my work, this Patreon will be two years old in a few weeks. Be sure that I'll keep doing whatever I can to improve it alongside the quality of the content I create. This post in a step in that process :)

Thank you!



4. i think the best strength of your Patreon is that's it's one of the best value memberships, it's really good how much content is there.


3. The best strength I noticed is the interaction with us. It kinda cool that you always ask us what to write and answering questions. From a person who is new to your Patreon it pretty cool that you have established a community with your patrons.


4. I’d love to see more experimental polls. Personally I prefer suggesting ideas and scenarios for your ocs and seeing you make more original stuff over single pictures of established characters. I just find it more creative.


1. Polls tend to favour OCs and popular characters, especially if that OC is usually drawn fat or that popular character regularly receives fat art 2. To fix this, I'd: a) replace the experiment polls with an OC poll, as I feel there is not much in the way of experimental ideas that hasn't already been done, however, suggestions for the OC poll can be anything, a character at any size, a sequence or even one of the experimental ideas. I feel this would allow non-OCs to have a fairer shot in the polls. b) use an online roulette spinner every 2 months where people can suggest characters that have never gotten more than 10% on a poll to be chosen randomly by the wheel to be drawn for that month, thus allowing less popular characters to receive art 3. The carryover votes, it allows anyone to have a shot at winning eventually, even if it takes a while 4. Less experiments, more sequences 5. Refer to number 2


This won't be very useful, but overall I'm just happy about how things are. I initially subscribed to your patreon to read Log Myu, and then I chose the middle tier to also see sequences as soon as they're released. As long as this doesn't significantly change, I'll stay happy :)


I've been noticing that a LOT of Genshin Impact characters flood the polls and always have their way so I suggest a separate poll just for this


I think that you got to do all the different fat types instead of just 1. That differentiation you made from chubby to fat. Make pictures of both


I mainly agree with NeoMyon, but only for OCs. I would adopt the solution that was suggested there for OCs only. I believe that most Popular characters have only been drawn once, hence it doesn't seem to be an issue since the carryover votes allow for them to continue climbing if they aren't popular.


There have only been 3 Genshin character that have even won a poll. Eula and Raiden Shogun still haven't won a poll yet. This is recency bias more than anything. And it took three months/polls before Ganyu got her third drawing. So I would say that Genshin Impact characters are neither flooding the Polls nor having their way with the polls.

Benjamin Hower

3. I just recently subscribed for the log myu content primarily, but going back through the old sequences has been fantastic! Definitely a big fan of those.

Bigby Lies

Still very happy to be a patron! Very satisfied with the content and amount of participation. Here's some of my feedback: 1. OCs are still way overfavored in character polls. Carryover votes have solved this a bit, but OCs typically dominate the polls over new characters. 2. I still feel like separating OCs from Fanart polls is a necessity, maybe limiting OCs to the experimental polls or having a separate poll for them altogether once every couple months, replacing Fanart polls for a month. 3. In truth the biggest strength of this Patreon is your commitment to it, scheduling everything out and taking feedback like this. It makes it feel worth the pledge and keeps me tuned in. 4. I really dig the experimental polls and what's come out of them - some of them have been favorite works from you. I'm excited to see more, maybe carryover votes could apply to the suggestions there too? (Unless they already do, I haven't checked lol) 5. Maybe streams would be a nice addition to Patron features, but that's really up to you. As always, looking forward to everything you have in store for the future!


My comment deleted itself. I really really hope I’m not too late to give my feedback. 1.I think the patreon has a lack of “originality” that it has a lot of potential to produce. Though it’s cool seeing characters in your art style its not as interesting as stuff with your characters or when you make a new one for a suggested scenario. Admittedly this could be seen as a weak argument and that log myu alone gives enough original content on its own, especially with 2/3 pages a week . This is a fair point but I personally find the world you made interesting enough that I’d either want to see more of it or see the characters that live in it in various scenarios. Another problem I see is people misinterpreting the purpose of the experiment poll, though it’s not hard to see why as the name has given the impression it’s for experimental stuff only. There are occasional spelling/grammar errors in the comic. (Oddly they don’t appear anywhere else ) 2.Although this would mean sacrificing some of the characters polls I imagine chubby wouldn’t be missed too badly. Perhaps if the experimental poll was renamed it would give people more of a desire to see it as everyone believes most non traditional wg ideas had been done. (Something I disagree with. There’s plenty of non traditional stuff you hadn’t drawn.) A new name would also encourage people to come up with situations or ideas that can include regular kink stuff as well. 3.The shear amount of quality content you produce in a single month is mind blowing, phenomenal and very much appreciated! The characters and world you’ve made is very engaging and is something I’m always wondering about. 4.More experimental polls. Although this doesn’t apply to the patreon I think it’s time the pages got released twice a week. The gap between public and private is big enough and one a week is pretty hard to get invested in with a comic as slow burning as this. 5.More ways to suggest ideas rather than just characters. Maybe a sketch suggestion like what you did a bit off on curious cat. Some more streamline changes to discord. Separating welcome room with general chat, separating fat community and art sharing. There’s the character ask too but I’m imagining your saving that for after more plot is revealed.