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Following the big post from earlier (https://www.patreon.com/posts/43452042), here is the post for the sequence suggestions of November.

Regarding the suggestions:
- They can come from any source you deem worthy: anime, game, original character, etc.
- Please provide a link to a reference I'll include in the poll.
- One suggestion per person.
- Previous sequence poll winners are excluded.

Suggestions can be added until November 5th. Polls will be available to all tiers the following day.



I'll drop another wildcard and suggest Cynthia from Pokemon! ( https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/63533358 I am sinning and sending fanart becasue I find her sprite too bad to be put onto the poll image)


Midna from the Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/370310651664531466/772929048027594772/Midna.png

Jayix Chezro

Zina (Your OC) ( Ultra Size ) https://www.deviantart.com/pixiveo/art/Log-Myu-Page-38-848511088 Possibly this Big or Bigger :3 And ‘More Exposed Belly’ Shown (Throughout the whole sequence) than what was in the comic ————- Or just do pages 35-38 But showing ‘All’ of her in page 37 and 38 And in page 36 showing the front of her Cause I would really love that lol Unless you wanna do something completely new then Nevermind lol

Some Dude

Rebecca from Edens Zero! I missed the last poll and I refuse to miss this one. She’s a burger addict so give her all the various burgers. Cheese burgers, curry burgers, pizza burgers. This girl wants ever burger in existence so please god let her have them! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ei2AL16UMAIju5J.jpg Okay suggestion made


Stocking anarchy in her classic outfit and several others (your choice) Stocking ref https://psg.fandom.com/wiki/Stocking Various outfits she wears https://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lfi9wxcssg1qgw70to1_500.png


It seems that I can't access to your reference picture, could you please provide another one (just to be sure which Midna form it is)?