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Hello all,

I'm starting November with yet another post to announce some changes that will (hopefully) help me to be both more creative and productive, and should be an overall step-up for the Patreon. You might have seen some of these changes coming!

First, starting this month, three new types of suggestions will enter the game.


Updates are simply... updates of existing drawings, I detailed what they are in this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43337118, and you can already find two examples:
- https://www.patreon.com/posts/43334738
- https://www.patreon.com/posts/43414929

Update poll suggestions will be available at both the Super Size and Plus Size Tiers, while the polls will be available at all tiers. The content produced will be available at all tiers. Beside the voted update, I might still create some from time to time.


Experiments refer to what I previously called "unusual" drawings in this post, basically new drawings that couldn't fit in the other formats: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43100559

I'm really unsure as to how this one will go (well, past the bigger than ultra size option that will most likely win the first poll). I know there is a demand for it, but because I'll have to set some rules it might be a bust on the long run. We'll see!

Experiment poll suggestions will be available at the Super Size Tier, while the polls will be available at all tiers. The content produced will be available at the Plus Size Tier and above.


This one should be explicit as to what it is (pun intended)! Nude version of an existing drawing. My earliest works were all nudes, so you might know what to expect from this!

Nude poll suggestions will be available at the Super Size Tier, while the polls will be available at all tiers. The content produced will be available at the Plus Size Tier and above.

Please note that due to Patreon restrictions, I might not be able to create a nude for any character.

Schedule Rework

Second, regarding the monthly schedule established de facto until now... I'm changing a few things.

Since I've started this Patreon I've been unable to release the weight gain sequences on the same month they've been voted. The main reason is (as you probably guessed) that they take a lot of time. Other reasons are that they're voted late in the month and can take longer that expected depending on which character has been voted, wrecking any plan I could make. The result is that I'm running after time every end of the month, which is tiring and disappointing. I've ended up creating less Log Myu pages than I wanted due to this as I tend to use the comic as a time buffer since it's not quantified monthly.

I'm fairly sure that a simple schedule change could solve these issues, so here is the new one. In order, each round lasting roughly five days:
- Sequence suggestions (Super Size Tier) and poll (All Tiers)
- Character suggestions (Super Size and Plus Size Tiers) and poll (All Tiers)
- Experiment suggestions (Super Size Tier) and poll (All Tiers)
- Update suggestions (Super Size and Plus Size Tiers) and poll (All Tiers)
- Nude suggestions (Super Size Tier) and poll (All Tiers)

Common polls

And last but not least, starting this month all polls will now be common to all tiers. I'll apply tier multipliers differently than I do now, but the end result will be the same. It's not much, but it will make me gain some time!

If everything goes according to the plan, I believe that we could be able to see the results of all these changes within the next few weeks.

As usual, feel free to comment, and thank you for continued support!


Jayix Chezro

So Sequence, Character, and Experimental are ‘New’ characters or are those also recreations of older drawings like the Nude and Update? Also, the ‘Unusual’ Link is a dead link So I cant see the example :\ Besides all that, sounds great ^w^


i feel like this content pipeline is getting a bit complicated.


It should get clearer as it is implemented, but if it doesn't, I have no issue with trimming it down.


Sequence, Character and Experiment are indeed new drawings. Nude and Update are both alterations of existing drawings. I fixed the links, thanks for pointing out they were dead!