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This Hughs ass is going to get gobbled up next page! :D

Now,...I do have the next page somewhat planned but not started. If some of you were to suggest a good vore idea for her to be eaten...I could maybe be persuaded.




Headfirst. ;P Ain't nothing like the classic old legs kicking helplessly as she disappears down the throat.


A simple yet VERY strong argument. Her heels and ass might also make it the appropriate call. Old school "Creeping Terror" vibes


Agree with headfirst, it never fails Senpai.


I would love to see feet first while she reaches for the weapons or fighting back


You show alot of breasts being chewed on like in this scene in other comics as well. Maybe try the same with her ass. Or do one of those "strip the girl to play with the food" kind of comics. I'm sure no one will argue against one of the best toon milfs getting played with while you figure out how to best draw her end.

Anthony Di Giorgio

Hopefully we see her pussy being teased with as she’s eaten maybe with his tongue or fingers


Yeah, I don't know if I've ever seen him draw them fighting back. I'd also like more post-eating dialog from the ladies.


Damn I didn't realize there would be such good arguments for both head and feet first! Damn it what have I done lol. Now I'm torn haha.


I'd like to see him chew those boobs raw, without bra 😏. Whether she goes head first or feet first, I'd be nice to see those jugs keep getting slurped and chewed on as she goes down 🤤. I just love boobs being groped in the mouth lol


I suggest buttfirst. I imagine the monster eating her chewy ass and licks her pussy with his long tongue.


I'm definitely a sucker for just omphing that head and sucking her down. Savouring the butt and thighs for last before ingesting this beauty whole~


Suggestion: I agree with titty slurping. One of her spy tricks could be; one tit has chloroform laced milk and the other has a psycho-aphrodisiac. She just forgot which is which in the moment. She makes the suggestion to drink up on both. However, her tech guy was paid off and informed our baddy about the laced glands, so he slurps on the aphrodisiac - pretends to be dizzy, and makes her nurse from her chloroform tit. So she begins to pass out while he begins to go to town on her! Just a thought.


I mean while the headfirst ending while her legs fail about is a classic, idk why but with how she got pushed into this situation so suddenly by her intelligence case officer, it kinda feels like she was set up or she is bait for a bigger ploy. If she was to be eaten legs first or butt first she would look around the room and maybe beg the other party goers to help her in a last ditch effort. So while she is looking around the room of criminals eagerly watching her demise, she surprisingly makes eye contact with than none other than but her agent handler watching her being eaten among the other party goers. When her pleas for his help get ignored by him, she realizes to her horror that she was she was set up from the get go. Maybe it was for his own benefit and enjoyment of the show or for the bigger spy picture, she will never know.


Damn that's a hell of an Idea Blockerman haha! Wow you should work for the CIA. But I think I have officially decided head first. It's actually going to service the story I have planned a little better


You're going to hate me lol. I had butt first originally planned but I have switched it to head first. Primarily because the story mechanic I have planned will better be served this way.


I like where your head is at! She was definitely not given all the information from her mission specialist, but she is still equipped to complete her task. I have decided head first is the way to go for this story however. It was a tough choice but I think it fits the plot.


Now I am very curious to see what kind of debaucherous plot you have in mind.


Well I see a lot of head or ass first, so I'll swing a dif way. If she's a spy and has all that juicy knowledge in her head, and his a spider villain. Well why not just slurp out that knowledge first, be a waste for a villain to not learn about the good guys plots. Also be fun to watch someone as confident and sexy as her not lose a few IQ points before being thanked for the lovely information and swallowed whole to hide how he gained insider knowledge to maaaaybe one day get the jump on any of her fellow agents in their own apartments or locker rooms at their HQ ;) Just a idea of course uhum. Though even the swallowing whole, I am a sucker for how you do a nice leg or boob bone pull out afterwards, maybe he learnt from a fortune teller spider friend or a certain catherine admirer how to savour his meal, especially one so plump as this spy ^^


Personally I’d like to see head first, but once he gets to her boobs he has to almost force her in one boob at a time while she struggles then slurp her up like a spaghetti noodle to her ass and chew on it and use his tongue between her pussy and ass as a way to push her further in and then slurp up the rest of her while shes kicking in protest. Might be hard to draw, but I think it would be hot with this big boobie girl.


I am happy to hear you enjoy the brain sucking and bone slurping pics I have done! While this comic does have an opportunity to fulfill both, I have conflicting plans for Ms Hugh's here this time. However, there are a few projects in the pipeline that will satisfy your refined taste soon I promise 😋


I have indeed chosen headfirst, and I definitely have plans to really show off the chewyness of her doughy womanly arrangements 😈


I really like the final gulp with the prey's arms down