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So sorry I just HAD to do another Cadet Single lol.
I'm having maybe too much fun with these. I just love building up the day to day life of the Space Cadets with these single images.

Here we have Cadet Isabelle Ditzowitz (left) and Cadet Kenzie Rosenstein (right) a few moments after a costly protocol mishap. Cadet Megan Boothe is being extracted from a Slug's belly along with two innocent cheerleaders after these two Cadets were tricked. The three cadets arrived quickly to the scene of a harassment call from the cheerleaders about a perverted Slug bothering them.  

The arrival of the Cadets ironically made the situation worse due to their intense sex appeal, which prompted more brazen action from the Slug. It rather easily tricked Isabelle and Kenzie into entering a clothing store on a wild goose chase.
While both were distracted inside the store looking at expensive shoes, the Slug quickly swallowed Cadet Megan Boothe and then the cheerleaders right after. 

Now Isabelle and Kenzie explain themselves to an annoyed Captain Kelly Kemper who stunned the Slug and initiated a retrieval protocol on the incapacitated alien. A rather frustrating common occurrence in Kelly's tenure as Captain. 




Why is it that every one of the space cadet singles that you make has so much story building and lore that just makes the space cadet universe soo amazing. Plus lets be real every single time you do a single it just begs to be made into a full blown comic, especially when the space cadets have "mishaps" like this. Btw that retrieval bot looks like he is having the time of his life, what I would give to see an internal of that bot's sack with two bewildered cheerleaders in partly digested clothes and a cadet Boothe trying to explain herself with equally partly digested clothes.


Thank you!!! :') I know that each single only makes us all want a full comic haha. It's a curse! When I eventually show the internal view of the Retrieval Bot's bag I actually want to showcase the "cleaning" aspect of the Bot. I plan on having it be wet and slippery inside, but from shampoo and soap suds. Almost like a kinky bubble bath the girls are soaked in :D

Martin Dan Rasmussen

So the robots enjoy swallowing the cadets too…. Interesting Christmas party idea haha


Things get very out of control at the station when enough booze is involved at their office parties 😈


Yeah you do have a curse when it comes to making single comics, all it does is make us want more. But for the internal of a bot bag the cleaning system it should incorporate some very handsy/inappropriately touchy cleaning hands to help ensure that the girls get "thoroughly" cleaned off of both the stomach acid and their ruined clothes. Lets be real these bots are just as perverted as the aliens in this space cadet universe it feels like.


I will certainly keep saying this, cheerleaders were made to be pleasing on the eyes and swallowed whole~ Interesting to see how the extraction works too.

R. Joss

That retriever makes the outline look extremely hot! Also love that bikini/bra working on the space cadet >:3 soft chewy booba

R. Joss

… Christmas party competition, who has the curviest body that can travel faster than any other on the space cadet extractor!


I remembered this and decided to make them cheerleaders because of it haha :D I thought, "well if we can't see them we will at least have a line of dialogue saying it"


The Retrieval Bot was made to show off the sexy silhouettes during the conducting of its duties :)


You raise an interesting point. I currently don't have the Retrieval Bots with hands...but perhaps I should. I originally decided they shouldn't have hands so that they have literally only one available function. I'm on the fence now


Lol now that I got it in your head you can't help but envision it now. So even if the girl gets rescued by the bot the at least the bot can enjoy her, especially if the bot has certain sensory hardware and software installed.


The retrieval bot getting to eat them as well is awesome, glad to see he's getting a snack!

R. Joss

Ah, shows all parts are non-digested as well as some *incentive/reward* for the space cadets


Brilliant work as always, I woulda loved to have seen an internal of the girl in the extraction tube!


They have got THE best job in the entire Space Cadet Force. Do nothing all day until it's time to slurp some ladies.


I can still make that happen :) Seeing Megan tightly travel up the tube would be awesome :D

Martin Dan Rasmussen

Just realised Kelly’s family name is Kemper. In Love or Lust, the family name is Kemper too….


Kenzie’s my favorite! Hope she makes it, but I also hope we get to see plenty of her, haha


Two are better than one! They are a truly sexy couple. I hope they end up in some alien's stomach too lol. I also like the way the silhouettes of the girls can be seen when they get sucked into it. P.S. Can you give us a sneak peek about the next Space Cadet single picture?

Jason hudson

I wonder if those little cadet robots dream of swallowing the cadets


Definitely going to add an internal for a full Retrieval Bot feature in the future :)


She's a stunner :D And we will see her in future projects until her time comes ;)


Thank you very much! The silhouettes are my way of having there be as much vore in one page as possible :) As far as single pics, there are like three or 4 that I have roughed out. I could post a preview of the sketches I suppose :D


They definitely dream of the promotion into Retrieval Bot. I almost see it as a sort of pension benefit as they get older haha


Just saw this - the retrieval bot is something I’ve been looking forward to seeing for such a long time! Love the world building so much,