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Here's the second one of this lovely set. Trisha's girlfriend is waiting for her inside this new acquaintance she has made. Kaylee very clearly has been swallowed whole before being able to warn Trisha. Herself having fallen for his half baked pick up lines and lies about being one of Trisha's good friends.




I mean it is an honor to eat high class meals


Mmmmm very sexy internals


Ah, to be able to swallow to perfect ladies whole. Hell, I'd love for a VR type game of swallowing girls and watching them struggle as they vanish from your view then bulge your body out.


Damn this looks great!!! Can’t wait to see the next two pages! So hot!


I'd definitely say the other one is the main course, and the one currently in the belly is dessert, but who am I to say which order these aliens nom their meals! :P


I'm waiting for someone smarter than I am to develope that game. I would buy it instantly ;)


I absolutely love the way you think. Trisha's the ballerina with those full and flexible dame legs ;) She's a main course for anyone and anything ;)


Jesus lol. Trust me I can handle harsh criticism if it made any sense at all. My new stuff is way better than my old stuff. That's my Patron's opinions and definitely my own. Also regarding your quantity over quality comment...you said you hate both. So why even make the distinction lol? The quantity has gone up and I think most people have noticed that. These take time to make and it's because of the quality I put into them. But also because even now I don't have the same time available to me like I did when I was 18. And the number of pages I release each month hasn't changed for years. So you either haven't been a Patron that long or have been this mad for that entire time lol. In which case you should have voiced your opinion a long time ago...and when I asked (which I did). As for the Quality...I'll never understand why you like the old work over my new work. I just never will understand that lol. I'm sorry...have a coke and a smile ya fuckin jackass.


The quantity can be a bit frustrating when it feels drip fed. For many people anything but a sequence holds little value. Sometimes that format can allow a sequence to grow with influence based on feedback but most of the time it's not very satisfying for at least some people. I don't see much to complain about with quality. How difficult is it to come up with inspiration for scenes? Does it help if people submit ideas to give a list to draw from? I'd quite like to see a sequence where characters such as Big Red, Zarna Joshi, Safe Space Sally, Anna Sarkeesian, etc are all consumed.


The "drip feed" isn't intentional, it's just a fact of life that it's as fast as I can make my work. And yes I agree that sequences are more satisfying. That's why every project I do is basically a story. But I can't complete them as fast as it takes to read them so it will always feel disappointing I suppose. Unless people want to start waiting three months to see the finished product instead of watching it come out as each page is completed. p.s. this is the kind of feedback I always ask for lol. Robert's above rant is about as helpful to me as an empty bag of chips.


So... the drugs must be really good? I think you are not seeing the same art I am. Not one single part of your temper tantrum rant is criticism. That is a personal attack and belittling the artist based upon your "opinion" of what "you" like. You also nailed it on the head, "if I could draw as well as you." Then get out there and draw. Learn how time consuming, patience demanding, knowledge, and required skill it is to create art. Honestly, this is a bit rude. If the art bothers you that much, leave. Simple as that. If you feel an artist is not meeting what you are pledging for, then move on and go back to whatever rock you crawled out from.