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Just wanted to get a feel for my community a bit more. Nothing to do with taste this time but rather that dark paranoia that floats over the shoulder from time to time. 

I'd just like to know if you people feel the same way as I do about having a vore fetish.


Aishling Sparrow

I admit I'm cheating and voting twice. If it were people I work with, yes I would be terrified of them finding out I have a vore fetish. If it were friends... it would still depend. I have a friend who finds vore horrifying and disgusting, so I hide it from him. But I know others who wouldn't care... except that such knowledge would rebound and hit those who would. So it's a vicious cycle... but I guess I'd still say my answer is mixed.


I am ABSOLUTELY terrified of anyone finding out, and I mean ANYONE. I had a few close calls in the past, but ever since I've been pretty good about hiding my tracks. I remember a former friend of mine managed to unlock my iPod touch and found my collection of saved vore pictures (this was almost 7 years ago back when iPod touches were a thing). He was surprisingly cool about it and we never spoke of it again. The second time was a few years later when my dad stumbled upon an old piece of paper with some of my saved passwords scribbled on to it. A few of them were vore related (for example: "ieathotgirls" was one of them), and I remember my family getting a good laugh out of that. Beyond those 2 events, nothing has come up since. I dread the day that my "fantasies" become public, but until then I guess I'll continue to keep it private. Personally, I get a thrill out of hiding it because it feels like it's my very own secret that no one else knows about it. Something about that adds to the excitement I guess :P


For me it's only my family I'm terrified if they find out. My very close friends already know and think it's ok.


I get picked on by my online friends but they joke around around because they are stating to like vore as much as I do but they hate because some vore art they do see is horrible and hardcore. Also very insecure about others even my own family doesnt know i love vore and they say porn is better :/


I keep it secret because I don't really see any point in my friends/family knowing. If they find out, I'll do my best to explain it, but I don't expect it to become known any time soon. Pretty much all of my fetish-related stuff is isolated to a single laptop, which I already use for other stuff (so no suspicion there) and is password locked whenever I'm away from it (so even if someone suspects something, they have no way to check).


My boyfriend got me into the vore fetish, and we discuss/enjoy it together, I wouldn't let any other family or friends know though, its strictly between us and that's the way we like it.


I’m strict about no family or co-workers knowing. I’m surprised I’ve kept it a secret from my family for as long as I have. There have been some close calls! But I’m honest about it with models, of course. And I’ve had a few cases of models turning into friends and girlfriends, and on the reverse of that, I’ve chosen to share my secret with a few female friends that I mustered the courage to tell and was trying to recruit as models. Overall, I’ve gradually gotten more open about it over the years.


I am 100% open and free about it with my fiance; everyone else I keep it carefully out of sight


The more you've gone through, and the more you've gone through with others, the less it matters. We're in a wierd age anyway where everyone and thing is an experiment, and people are more openly questioning themselves and what their preferences ought to be. Clearly, this fetish can be a desensitization trap, meaning it can desensitize someone over time and thus lead to getting into increasingly extreme material over time to get their kicks. If the individual is not socially isolated and has good grasp of reality, reasonable emotional and mental self-control, it is a largely harmless albeit taboo fetish; if not, then they were probably destined to be antisocial anyway. It reminds me of this video, of which a lady getting eaten would probably fit into: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2jn_lxrrPg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2jn_lxrrPg</a>

Aidan Winner

I am hoping to tell my girlfriend soon- if only to get the weight of keeping it secret off my chest- as well as see how she reacts to it. Other then that Id keep it as far removed from talks with my family as any other porn- and generally elect not to mention it around friends

Darth Xelleon

There are certain people I wouldn't want to know, but most people I don't really think it matters


I'm surprised you even have a friend that knows. I almost told my brother when I was younger but even way back then I knew that there was no way he would know what the fuck I was talking about lol. Vicious cycle indeed, because anytime I think about telling someone I know, there's the added pressure that I'm actually a major creator of vore art on top of just being into it. I don't know how I could live with even one person knowing.


I am absolutely terrified as well. Like I have nightmares and fever dreams of every important person in my life just smacked with disgust and hatred toward me. I had a friend almost see a pile of drawings I accidentally left laying out. When he saw me just grab them and not let him see them he was like ooohh kay, and just left it at that. I guess we have good friends who were kind enough not to press the issue.


That's incredible. I'm terrified of literally anyone who knows me knowing. Honestly I probably do have friends who would understand just having the fetish,..but for me being a vore art maker I think they would not understand that at all. I feel like they would try to forget they ever knew me immediately.


Yea that's another reason I can't imagine telling someone. Because there's so much "my little pony vore" and "prego vore" out there that I would hate to have that shit associated with me. I'm a damsels in distress kind of guy but no one would care at that point lol.


I agree, and funny enough you just decoded my username. I bought my first laptop over a decade ago (and still have it) in order to hide my drawings on so that I didn't have to keep shoving them under my mattress and behind my dresser. I got caught doing that lol. My parents didn't know what they were looking at but they knew it was perverted and bad. It was a long talk and I've never felt worse in my life, but they probably thought I stopped after that night. Clearly I didn't lol.


I need to find a girl like you god damn it. Also you're boyfriend is a hero lol.


Close calls suck, I've definitely had a few for sure. I love your work and have always been blown away by your bravery. I mean yea you haven't shown your face, but I would never be able to put myself on camera. I just feel like at some stage in the future someone would be able to identify me and it would be a whole debacle. Also how you have asked extremely hot girls to act in vore movies. Whether it comes easy or its extremely difficult, I'm incredibly impressed that you do it and pull it off. I'd love to talk more about the subject with a fellow creator like yourself.


That was an extremely eloquent and justified response that was bookended with a link to the weirdest video I've seen in the past two days. I will say no more lol.


Yea I would want to do the same. But I also have the baggage of "oh and if you just thought the fetish was weird, I am also actually a huge producer of the pornographic material. Ta da!" Hahaha sometimes I wish I was just into instead of what feels like a culprit/kingpin


I am certainly in the camp of I hope no one ever finds out. Thanks for sharing :)


I used to be terrified. Thought I was pretty sick too. Then I realized it's just a thing, everybody has there thing. That most poeple wouldn't understand it doesn't change that.