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Night has just descended, and the young princess Palavi finds herself at the mercy of Otho the Devourer. A monstrous beast and god of India's deep jungles. After subduing Palavi's handmaiden Jamesha, Otho swallowed the defenseless girl. Leaving Palavi without a protector or anyone to raise help. Otho not only has the sweet girl in his clutches, but an axe to grind as well. 

The giant plant is overjoyed at the discovery that this morsel is the eldest daughter of Pan, a warrior king who defeated Otho in a fight that almost destroyed him forever. His malevolence to Pan now has the perfect outlet to explode it's built up vengeance into. The quivering and succulent loins of his adversary's daughter,.. Palavi of Puraana Dewani.




You excel at teasing with your artwork lol.. Just out of curiosity when is the Lifeguard Strip going to make an appearance? Can't wait for this.


Thank you :) The lifeguard picture is a Lilo and Stitch one that is being workshopped for a later release. (aka i've started it but keep setting it aside due to my own fickle nature) :D


Oh okay :) Thanks for the update!


I was wondering if you were going to revive this one. Interesting~


:) i love the waiting game


Been waiting on a continuation of this one forever


She was one of your best bodies, and the best posing work.