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Ok Huge Warning here 

to shut down the game down You have to  CTRL+ALT+Deleat 

and end the game posses using task manger.

when it comes to these window builds i can't test them as i explained that before

im on windows 7 and cant connect the quest to the pc using steam VR or anything.

So let me know if its working.

MEGA Link 




Well, I can see it in VR. If that's the full scope of the test then I can say it works on the Rift.


Ok very good yes thanks i just wanted to know if people with the rift / vive Can load and see, can you move around do you see your controllers ?


I can load it just fine, she looks great. I can see my Rift S controllers. I can't move around, though (@Enemymine has the same issue, I see).


loool I can close it EZ PZ with my second monitor

VR AnimeTed

Escape to Quit: (I use it in everything) Toss an Empty Game Object in the Heirachy Add a new C Sharp Script to it Add this below void update: if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) Application.Quit(); Enjoy!

VR AnimeTed

Oh yea and you can look into ALVR to stream from PC to the quest. There are a couple of options out there, but this one is free.


Yeah i've tested a little ALVR it seams to connect but my screen is blank havent had the time to fully figure it out.