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Made the changes today mostly to avoid problems with people joining when I have already mostly committed to them since it seems like you all were either positive, understanding, or had no opinion about the new reward structure. 

In an effort to make up for changing things on you all, everyone who got mails this month can get that reward this month and once more at any time in the next year.  

Stated differently, if you are supposed to get micro fiction from me this month, you still can send me an idea. In addition, between now and next April, you can send me an idea for another micro fiction piece and I will make it happen.

To those of you in the $3 tier,  I need you to pick Reader's Club or Publisher's Club so that I can close it out. You all are probably the most affected by all this since voting is now a $1 reward and the monthly sketch is moving up to $5. Anyone in the Temporary Club who does not move up to $5 will get all the episodes of the first story arc as an additional way of saying thanks for being understanding.

The upshot off all this is that voting rights will be extended as of now and I have a number of polls to put up for you all, especially for Publisher's Club and above.

Thanks for being so awesome, you all n.n


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