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Aiming to have Spring Dawning up tonight. About 60% after a busy day doing a surprising amount of cleaning.

After that is Cute Little Darkness and then probably the conclusion to Yuuki, Sage, and Caroline’s story for @xurnami
. Agitate for Best Outcome, Outgrowing My Hometown, and A Gift that Keeps on Giving are the tumblr requests for the month so look for them in the coming weeks. 

Into July for revisions and there is actually quite a bit of work. Oddly I was on the whole happy with the stories I wrote last June, but many of the July stories feel scattered and a bit unfocused. Probably just growing pains.


Story mails have been sent out to patrons and paragraphs ideas are already rolling in. Would like to get one or two up tomorrow before starting Cute Little Darkness.

Other than that, going to get back to writing. Have a great weekend you all!


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