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Since I am still working and I feel really bad about missing my self imposed deadline twice, I wanted to give you all a sneak peek at the story...If you all like this kind of preview, I could be persuaded to do it going forward n.n
 Haru Mihama watched the landscape as pines still half-covered in snow whipped by the train window. Even after years of trips to visit his wife’s family, the view of the French countryside was just as breathtaking as the first time he saw it in the seventies.
They had come to hike the thawing Alps, though they not gone hiking in years. Despite that, Maya insisted this is what she wanted to do for their twentieth anniversary. That they could stay with her sister Jules certainly made the trip a bit easier to plan, so he had a hard time coming up with reasons not to come and enjoy the sights.
Maya squeezed his hand in her sleep and he looked over at his partner. She had dyed her hair in the last month. Her once reddish-brown bob was now a deep red that seemed to shimmer as she dozed. The dye job was so vibrant, the color so uniform, that it looked natural.
He figured it was just her dealing with the spreading grays, but he would be lying if he said he did not like the recent change. The color made her look years younger, and she was acting like it too, as if she was trying squeeze out one last burst of youth before she turned fifty in a couple months. 


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