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“Dinah, you big cow! Wake! Up!”

“Whazzat?” The tauren woman jerked awake, the blanket that had been draped over her falling to the floor. Her startled brain did not quite process that she was not wearing a top. Squinting through bleary eyes she realized her half-human roommate was standing at the other end of the couch. “Ginger? Izzat you? Why’s you yelling?”

“Oh no,” the young electromancer replied. “I’m the one asking questions.”

Dinah blinked a couple times until her roommate’s face came into focus. Ginger was very pretty, even when angry. Her blue eyes were shot with green, likely from her energy escaping through the gaps in her control caused by her anger. Her barely pointed ears seemed to quiver.  Her hair was a pink so bright it glowed as her energy flowed into it. 

“Is this some sick joke? Why in the Nine Hells is there bright orange goop dripping from the ceiling and sticking to the walls of the living room?”

“‘Cause Marra came over and things got a little crazy,” she said, as if that explained everything. She forgot that Ginger had not yet met Marra. The perpetually energized mage probably did not even remember hearing the conversation about Dinah having her girlfriend over. “Look, I’m sorry. I’ll clean it up in a bit, but can you keep it down for now? I have a headache...”

“Oh, I think you have more than a headache to worry about.” Ginger still sounded pissed, but she did lower her volume. 

“I..don’t follow?”

“You seem bigger than usual,” she said circling the gentle curve of her bust. “Much bigger...and when’d you get piercings? They’re huge.”

Dinah’s gaze drifted down to her naked chest. Her boobs were still noticeably enlarged from Marra injecting bits of herself into them to help with the gauging process. Thinking about it, she kind of looked like her constantly lactating mother from how the veins pushed against her skin. She was probably twice as big as normal, her nipples in particular as they stretched to accommodate her new, thicker piercings.

With a moo-like gasp, she wrapped her arms around her chest. The heavy steel rings were warm against her, even through her fur. Much to her surprise, her bust squished in a way that was far more natural feeling than she expected. “I...um…”

“We did them more than two months ago,” came Marra’s voice. Her head snaked into view from the kitchen. Her dark brown skin faded to a translucent orange from her neck being stretched out. A lock of her very long blue hair fell in her face and she puffed it at, before letting it melt and roll down her face to hit the polished wood floor with a splat. 


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