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Week seven progress report is here!

Before we get to the games progress report I want to get a short "overall status report" out of the way first.

Those who have been following our posts lately and read up on "why" we do this emergency project know that we've been doing it to get more "income" this year in order to fulfill requirements to get a bank loan for our house building.

You can find a link to the detailed explanation here:


Since our house building is an ongoing thing I did of course negotiate with more banks and finally found a bank that is willing to give us a credit regardless.

The conditions the bank has offered us are good and we are going to sign the contract as soon as possible this month.

In other words, the very reason WHY we "needed" to do the Loki game as quickly as possible has been taken care off otherwise and with this all of a sudden all the pressure falls off our shoulders.

This is good.

I'm a bit hesitant to "relax" unless we actually signed the contract though.

But it's pretty much guaranteed that we're safe now and can take our time with the Loki game.

With the situation changed (for the better), and Loki game being quite far developed already, I want to still finish it as quickly as possible.

However, with how stressed and exhausted Cres and I are at this stage (despite changing back to a 5 work day week), it's probably a good idea to not burn ourselves out and take this at a more reasonable pace now that the immediate crisis is gone.

We've been pushing ourselves really hard lately and we've begun to feel more and more tired with every week that passed.

That being said, I decided to still focus this month on Loki game, but with a slower and more reasonable pace, which means the game isn't going to be finished by the end of the month.

Starting next month we will return to working on our webcomics as planned and originally announced, while slowly finishing Loki game towards the end of the year.

Cres and I will note down who has pledged to our Patreon (Subscribestar is being handled differently due to technical limitations with the website) during the 2 month period (September and October 2021) and pledged at least $ 10+ USD during that time, and we'll send you the game to your e-mail address, once it's officially released.

Basically for free as a compensation.


Us handling it like this is an EXCEPTION because we paused the webcomics during September and October 2021 and thus not handed out any rewards during that periode.

Other than that, folks on the $ 10 USD tiers get a copy as loyality bonus as usual, provided they are pledged when we release the game. 

(Meaning you need to be subscribed on that tier when we hand it out, you do not get the game for pledging to our campaign "once" unless it was during September/October 2021 and was a minimum of $ 10+ USD, this is mostly to avoid extra work as we need to manually note everything down and manually send out rewards, also it's to not get into conflict with Steams policy in regards to Patreon/Subscribestar)

Now on to the actual progress report for week seven!

As expected I needed another week to finish work on the maps for the first dungeon.

I plan to do a total of three "dungeons" (or areas) that can be played in any order.

Screenshots of some of the areas I made are below.

Also note that there are two more regions I need to map.

Mapping has been more complicated and time consuming than I thought, and I also reworked some of the maps I did earlier after realizing some things you can do with the layering on the maps.

Overall, it's not complicated, but it's definitely time consuming.

As I focused on that I mostly assigned Cres to "finish work on existing graphics".

We've also been out of house due to negotiations and appointments (see my mention about the bank loan above) more than originally planned this week, which also restricted the amount of work time we could put into Loki game.

Next week I expect to finally get to implement the graphics for the combat system as well as getting some writing done.

For the time being it was more important to do the maps and the things I have no experience with, as that is "the bigger hurdle" so to speak.

With that being taken care off, I can get to things that I am more familiar with.

Since the post is already long enough I'll stop here for today.

Have a wonderful week and see you next week!

I hope you enjoy the sample screenshots ^^





Is it to late to sub to the 10$ to pick up the game or no?


10$ Patrons always get the game if they are pledged on release. The thing about the 5$ Patrons was an exception, because we paused the webcomic which would normally be the reward for the 5$ tier.