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Phew, I'm a bit behind shedule with those speedpaints, but I'll work on catching up with it again!

This time we have Hyena (also a member of the Phantom Four) riding on the viewer~

And phew, I get the feeling that my speedpaints somehow increased in quality oO

Doesn't really look like a speedpaint anymore lol

I mean they currently do take a bit longer to be drawn but not much longer sooo...I guess that's...good?

Anyways, hope you like it!




Rawr! Very sexy. That's one lucky guy. :D


Love this one! ^^ Just out of curiosity, is she going to be a new character or is it just a random char? ^^


glad to hear you like it^^ and OH! I realy did forget to mention that she's also a member of the Phantom Four. I'll edit it into my text right away^^ So nope, she's not a random character. We will see her in the webcomic someday ;3