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I was about to log in, when I noticed that the displayed number of funding was waaaay lower then before.

I just was like "Whoah WHAT? What the heck happened??" when I noticed the tiny question mark below.

Patreon just changed the display, so now we can see how much funding approximately comes in after the fees etc.
It's still not the exact sum, just an estimation, because noone can forsee how many pledges get declined next time, but this is much better and overall more helpful now in my opinion^^

In the last couple months we roughly recieved something between 680$ to 720$, and last month even a bit more than that, but the number that get's displayed now is much closer to what we actually get than what it was like before. So I'm glad about this change as it makes much more clear^^

Nice idea Patreon!


PS: yeah I know, this doesn't really have something to do with you guys, since just the displayed number changed, but I just wanted to share my thoughts.


just checked on a few other Patreon campaigns, but it seems that only a few of them have this "feature" yet oO

I wonder why?



So sometimes the new version get's displayed and sometimes the old one?

I was just checking on this campaign and saw that the old numbers got displayed, then I logged in and now the new ones with the funding estimation get displayed. Then I loged out again and still the estimation get's displayed.

Is this some kind of bug?

It's very confusing when the mainpage sometimes shows all Patrons and what get's pleadged overall, and then sometimes the new display that shows the estimation oO

So I just made a test.
I logged out and reloaded the mainpage over and over again. Sometimes the new one get's displayed, sometimes the old one. So I guess it's absolutely random whenever the new or the old one get's displayed .___.



The same thing happened to me, I was so confused at first I thought I lost a ton of patrons and got really discouraged for a moment. :c