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I know you guys mostly pledged for the blog but i would like to know how many of you interested in the combat stuff i have been doing.


-WIP- Skyrim Witcher Race - Testing Attack Power Forward

Showcase of the custom power attack i made for the combat race i am working on.



Yo that's badass


Would you be willing to also make similar animations for one-handed as well? These would look great with the "New Weapon Types and Animation Support" as Scimitar animations!


I am super excited for stuff like this. Will this be available for SE? And +1 on one handed anims :D


I might adjust this one to fit, And yeah i have plans for 1handed too but after i am done with the 2 handed first.


Definitely excited about this!!!


This looks amazing. Just wondering if it will be able to link with Combat Gameplay Overhaul?


As of right now CGO break animations that have any kind of spin in it. I might try to see if i can get it to work with CGO but there big update coming. So i will wait to see what changes he going to make before i try experimenting with it.

Devil Drew

looks great man!!!


That looks lovely. Tho will it replace the ones from mo fu/goma in the current dynamic combat mod? bc i kind of already fell in love with those lmao


Nah, It will replace the normal power attack forward, so you will be able to use them together.


To be honest I pledged for the animations more than the blog, keep up the good work and please share.


Thank you. I will of course be sharing early access stuff like animations and race module with patrons.