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First of all let me it clear by saying i  haven't kicked anyone out of discord. I actually just shut the server down. So are there going to be new discord server? the answer is complicated, you see my decision to make my work patreon-only made a lot people mad. Some throw insults at me, some whined it's not cool, and  some took it step further tried to start a witch-hunt. 

So what does this have to do with the discord server? well, it's pretty silly really but there actually a snitch or two here. There one i know for sure who was and still bashing me in some circles for switching to patron-only. 

And the thing is they can't really do anything to me, because i am not doing anything illegal but the problem is that if they're in the same server they can tell  others about who pledged to me. And then they might try to get you banned or kicked from other discord servers. or even try to DM and harass you.

So does that mean no discord server? No, but not yet. I tried to make a new one and connect it to patreon again but it's sadly automatically and forcefully get all patrons who have discord in the server without their permission. And it was a mess so i shut it down again fast.  And now i am thinking of what to do. I will probably create new discord server again later but only invite those who ask me for it after they've known the risk.

So for now if you have question/suggestion or want to say anything to me feel free to DM here and i will answer you. Just until things calm down a bit and i can set-up the discord server or something else.



It's a shame that people are acting this way. :(


i support your decision, fighting!!!


much respect brother. I know you wouldn't have privated your work if you didn't feel like you needed to

Dennis Renz

I have to agree with the two posts before me hope everything works out