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Oh hey look an original character.

This is a pretty simple pin-up I decided to make while testing the functionality of a new character I imported.  You know you've got a good model when you don't have to worry about breaking it for a pose.  I plan to work on the dick/balls in the future though, they need to be a bit more detailed.

Almost forgot, the background is by Joseph Bamber.  I'm really bad at attribution so sometimes I forget.




Yee, that's really nice, how do you work out clothing though and have it follow the body correctly? (As in fit) I've got a model with clothing but it clips heavily, just wondering if there's a decent way of getting it to follow the body properly.


As long as the clothing was applied correctly in DAZ, and the correctives were applied in Blender, it shouldn't pose too many issues. Even then, some more experimental outfits require shape keys to prevent clipping. This outfit was particularly strange because all of the chain links deformed poorly, which meant I had to do some custom work. I'd actually really like to get into designing clothes myself. I don't like being dependent on DAZ clothing.


Amazing pose, LOVE how her cock is positioned.