Character Practice & Terminator Problem (Patreon)
I've been practicing character imports, materials, sculpting, and hair. Hair is really fun. If I use this model I'm going to want to work on the dick a little bit more though. I also named this character since I think I should start doing that. I came up with 'Maev'. Maybe like a royal or a pagan or something. Definitely 'evil'.
I ran into a really interesting/frustrating problem while working on this model though. I think it's called the 'Terminator Problem'. Basically even though I use a subdivision modifier, I still get these polygonal-shaped shadows on the mesh. You can actually see it on her left hip in this picture. Those aren't compression artifacts, those are lighting glitches.
I've tried a bunch of stuff to fix this and went through a lot of advice but none of it has worked. If anyone knows what might be the problem then give me a heads up and I'll post another image where it's more apparent.