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(Same note as before!
Remember you can read up to chapter 3 finished here:
https://tapas.io/series/amissio ( as usual I'll go releasing chapter 4 first here on Patreon and then public some time after) )

A mysterious figure appears to be sneaking around the museum. Maybe he's looking for Aria?
Who could he possibly be? Is finally someone gonna rescue her?! And how trendy are tentacle-dresses these days?! Cause they sure seem like a cool idea!




.......Ok....can we have this Gug wanna be tortured oh so panfully and oh so slowly please


As long as she's happy~


Not gonna lie, I'd totally marry Aria if she were wearing that.

Addison De Fanta

God all mighty save this girl. The outfit looks cute tho


Say what you will about Giri, the man has taste and style. Also given the nature of this forgetful dimension, that dude could be anyone! He could be a forgotten boyfriend of Aria's, or a brother perhaps?


Sigh. I suppose you’re right. He is Demonic not malicious