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So chapter 4 is oficially running~!
Took a little while to start cause this chapter will be a lot longer than the previous ones heheh, but it should start going more smoothly from now~!

Remember you can read pretty much everything up to this point here:
https://tapas.io/series/amissio since I already have released up to chapter 3! (but as usual I'll go releasing chapter 4 first here on Patreon and then public some time after)

Aria so far as we knew, was still held captive by this handsome fellow, Giri, the owner of the Bermuda Museum, a place where lots of interesting valuables are showcased. Aria had been the show's main star for a while! And despite her attempts to escape, nothing worked. It only resulted on an angry Giri getting smacked in the eye, and Aria defeated once again.

Meanwhile, Nicholas and Merfie received an invitation to this very museum~! Lucky they are! So maybe they'll finally have a big family reunion, hmm hmm?

More to come soon, thanks for reading!




Yep. I wanna punch em


What haooened before this scene 😢


Kick his butt!!! Aria stand strong! You are not empty!!


Whew, dark. I'm getting the impression that he's using some kind of psychic tentacle power on her mind, and that this despair isn't entirely her own.

Loose Snausage

looks like she lost her clothing privileges

Addison De Fanta

I absolutely LOVE the way you draw hands!!!!