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And this one too!

This time it's supposed to be male characters gender-bent, they'll be drawn as female, so I'm sure this will prove to be interesting! Keep that in mind!

Poll will last for 5 days~!
Multiple votes allowed!



I know you're all going to vote for Speedwagon, but I'd strongly recommend for everyone to Google both Kazuma and Bell Cranel. They're adorable.


also, genderswapped Speedwagon isn't anything new. Not that that's a problem but it is a factor for some folk, I'm sure. We can all be enriched and/or terrified by looking up genderswaps of all these characters to see what's out there, regardless of if it impacts your vote or not.


The world needs genderbent Igor


Death the kid is in there, yet no absolutely adorable Soul? He was best girl that ooone time!


oof. cloud's getting crushed. i guess a girl kazuma would be kinda funny; maybe she should be triumphantly waving around a pair of boxers.


Even Speedwagon is afraid!


Its seems like speedwagon is going to lose, but, i hope the winner is going to be a beautifull fanart