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As some of you may know, I'm participating in the Comic-con Chile attending as an artist, so it's been crazy these days, but after tomorrow I'll come back with more art for you all ?

In the meantime, here's the food themed fanart poll for June!
Some known characters but also some non-existent ones that could be born after this~!
Who knows, a cute food-loving thicc waifu could be created out of a specific dish.
Lots of choices here!
(I'm sorry if I couldn't include them all, I made a silly mistake earlier when I allowed all patrons to name suggestions (sorry about that) when it's supposed to be only the +5 tier and up~!)

Anyway! Here goes!
Poll will last for 5 days~!
Multiple votes allowed!

I'm thinking that next time I'll do a quick preview image with lots of possible choices, mm hmm.



This has got to be the most number of things I've voted for in any poll ever (8 choices).




Goodluck with Gordon Ramsey lol


Ok, I'm afraid to ask, but... did they really turned pizza and pasta into waifus?