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Another Long Post AHEAD!

Hay All, 

I feel comfortable sharing with you some interesting updates for some new release lined up.

So for the first time in a very long time, I decided to make a female texture fully that is not really monster related, then probably switch it up once it is completed.

So think of it like how I approached Nisma. I think I have a bad habit of cutting corners when I know the texture I'm making is a base for something els, so a change of thought process is sorely needed.

So to start off, like usual. Had to morph up something which I'm lucky enough I have abundance of by this time. Characters that never saw the light 😅

I used one old figure and built a unique UDIM's for her, the problem with this should not be apparent now, but think of this as a base figure to start off.

Eventually this was thrown into ZBrush to make a High Poly "HP" version.

The devil is in the details lol

This would help greatly in getting out different maps to simulate Curvature and Ambient Occlusion.

So while this is happening, I found myself tinkering with the morphs again in ZBrush, I would probably spare you the details and only keep highlights, I guess the screenshots would have already gave away what happened, but the idea is very simple and straightforward. I redid the steps above twice 🙄

Sadly though I did not screenshot the updated version, so we will stick with the old one for now in term of progression. But eventually my screenshots would catch up to this madness.

So Substance... I have a love hate relationship with it at this point, but I managed to create a really awesome base texture that just felt right.

If you look closely, you could see the Curvature and AO reflecting from the HP version. 

I'm really happy with the detailed and blending that happened afterword's, as this is the first time I tried my luck in simulating the flush skin? Veins and all with bumps

This should show the flush much better.

So the rest was photoshop to basically add the details, makeup and nipples and overall adjustments.

So you could see here the first look into how it transpired after all that is completed.

This is basically when I decided to redo the UDIM's and HP version, I really felt like I need to change the overall look to something more down to earth and not over the top? It's really hard to explain I guess but let's just say I need a change of perspective. This texture made that happen for me.

I took a brake afterwords for a couple days, and when I came back. I felt there was a problem with the face morphs that I did not pay attention to. Or probably I was very blind to see as I have been working on this the past 2 weekends none stop 😂

This is the face before the first fixes

So after some work, I managed to get the rest of the maps in and this is the result, 3 variations.

So I decided to go with the furthest to the right, I really love the results.

So the question would be, what's next?

Welp, now I need to work on her Monster counterpart, this is going to be fun though. As I know exactly how or what I want to do, but this means 3 things, new morphs and some heavy texture modification to some areas plus clothing creation and a platform to display the new look into.

I can give you a quick sneak peak as I'm still working out the quirks and stuff, I'm aiming for a merman or mermaid look? More human with attribute of a sea folk. Pretty much still in the experimental phase though.

This is my first attempt to ear creation for such a look.

I honestly did not like how it looked when I brought it back to DaZ, so I reworked the middle part to give it more aquatic feel.

I felt it was close enough, but it needs more edge to it, so we go back to ZBrush...

Much more like it 😆

So now I need to work on the textures. 

Still so much work to do though, I really believe the more time I spend on the characters washout pressure and at my own pace, I could honestly make some really cool things.

Take for example the hair above, this is something I made too lol. There is a level of frustration sometimes when hair creators do a sloppy job around the ear etc. So I had to make my own to compensate for that. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the quick update. Now I need to go back to work, so much ahead of me , if all goes well and I get the first draft done for the Monster look, then probably this weekend I can release this lady. As there is usually some dependencies or morph shift here and there once all the dust is settled, and I do not want you guys to redownload something twice because of me rushing something out.

Stay tuned for her release and as always, thank you for putting up with my usual long rants. These are not updates anymore 🤣

Oh, also feel free to give feedback. 




High-key LOVE the way she looks, and that skin.... Bruh as a monster girl or not that skin is straight fire!!!


Thanks blasingsai, I'm really happy with how it turned up eventually. It will take some time to fine tune the details though, as every time I open the character I see something new that was not available the day prior 😅.